Page 11 - July 2017 inLeague and Conference Program
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is screening cinema. This is a case study of two with information gathered from multiple reputable
such theatres that successfully conducted capital sources, as well as examining a case study of an
campaigns within the last year: the Belcourt Theatre organization that is already putting these measures
in Nashville and the State Theatre in Ann Arbor. into place. This information will be also guided by
The key managers of both theatres will share their a narrative of personal experience from Donald
fundraising and construction stories, including how Mason who is the Executive Director of The Lyric
they involved their boards and their communities, Theatre & Cultural Arts Center and joined by Tony
how they set goals and budgets, how they solved Sias, CEO of Karamu House for the Q&A Session.
unexpected problems, how the process “stressed Presenters: Donald Mason, Lyric Theatre, Lexington,
out” each organization and its staff, and how KY, and Tony Sias, CEO, Karamu House, Inc.,
the campaigns have positively transformed their Cleveland, OH
Presenters: Stephanie Silverman, Executive Customizing the Customer
Director, and Brooke Bernard, Development
Director, Belcourt Theatre, Nashville, TN; and Journey: A Candid Look at
Russ Collins, Executive Director, and Lee Berry, Innovation, Technology and
Chief Development Officer, Michigan Theater Leveraging Data to Drive
Foundation, Ann Arbor, MI Successful Patron Engagement
(El Capitan)
Beyond Compliance: Technology A well-managed customer journey is a critical
+ Audience Diversity attribute to engage and attract new and existing
(Wiltern B) performing arts audiences in a highly competitive
How can I create “on demand” landscape. Today’s customer journey begins
services for hard-of-hearing audiences, and visually primarily on the web, providing performing arts
impaired patrons? Are there ways to cheaply organizations with unprecedented access to rich,
provide language translations to my increasingly first-hand knowledge about its audiences. Is your
bi-lingual audiences? These questions inspired The organization taking advantage of the technology
Shubert Organization in NYC to participate in the available to increase customer engagement?
development of a new Apple and Android app
that fulfills the ADA requirements for real-time closed
captioning, amplification, audio describe for the
visually impaired, and multi-language translation.
Leveraging the technology already in everyone’s
pocket (mobile devices) makes this solution simple,
portable, and cost-effective. Learn how the
product was developed, tested and is being rolled
out in 17 Broadway theatres this year.
Presenter: Kyle Wright, Sr., Interactive Marketing
and Analytics Manager, The Shubert Organization,
New York, NY
☼ Breaking Barriers - Diversity in
Arts Leadership and Programming
(Orpheum B)
In the world of arts administration, it is
important to be inclusive and diverse in all materials
because our mission often revolves around opening
the arts and culture up to everyone. This is often
easier to do when the people that are making the
programming are also diverse. Statistically speaking,
this is not the case for nonprofits in the nation. This
presentation will not only highlight this problem,
it will guide the audience in how we can work to
improve these numbers to better include people
of color in our boards and staff. This will be done
41 National Conference & Theatre Tour July 2017 INLEAGUE | PAGE 9