Page 15 - July 2017 inLeague and Conference Program
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Presenters: John Bell, CEO, Tampa Theatre, Tampa, you approach building a meaningful relationship
FL; Jeffrey Gabel, Founding Executive Director, with your audience? This isn’t about building a
Majestic Theater, Gettysburg, PA; Ken Stein, better website (although that’s a good start) but
President & CEO, League of Historic American about thinking about the customer experience as
Theatres, Austin, TX; and Maureen Patton, Executive a whole. We’ll explore the key changes we need
Director, 1894 Grand Opera House, Galveston, TX to make to how we work so we can stand out from
the crowd and set arts organizations up for long
Promoting Your Theatre as a term success.
Location for Film and Television Presenter: Becca Goland-Van Ryn, Managing
Productions Director, Spektrix, New York, NY
(El Capitan)
We all look for ways to increase revenue at our So You Want to Restore Your
theatres. Having your theatre used as a location for Theatre? Where to Start
a film or television production can be lucrative, but (Wiltern B)
what are you really getting yourself into? This panel
of film and television production professionals will This session is designed for new theatre
discuss what you need to know to have a successful owners, municipal leaders and board members
theatre location rental business. We will discuss: who are faced with the often daunting task of
how to market your theatre with your local film restoring an historic theatre for which they are
commission and location scouts, what permits you now responsible. The panel will discuss the steps
will need the production company to provide, what necessary from the very beginning through opening
insurance package you should require, whether night including program visioning, working with user
you will need fire marshals and police present, groups, fundraising, obtaining public funds, hiring
what you should charge for rental of the theatre architects and other consultants and establishing
and staff, how you vet the production company, an appropriate management model for ongoing
what materials you should require production to operations. They will use their real life experiences
provide to protect your theatre, what terminology of over 60 years in the business and working on
will be used and what it means, and how to have a dozens of theatres, with case studies of those
successful wrap and a returning client. projects that went well and why, as well as those
that encountered difficulties. The presentation will
Presenters: Pam Elyea, VP, History For Hire Prop be highlighted with photographs of their projects.
House, Glendale Arts/Alex Theatre Board Member, Participants will leave with a simple description
Glendale, CA, moderator; Jan Pascale, SDSA, of the steps needed to accomplish their theatre
Set Decorator, Academy of Motion Picture restoration dreams and an understanding of the
Arts and Sciences Governor, Designers Branch; problems they may face.
Philip Sokoloski, Vice President Integrated
Communications, FilmLA; Elissa Glickman, CEO Presenters: Paul Siemborski, AIA, Principal, DLR
Glendale Arts, Alex Theatre, Glendale, CA; and Group|Westlake Reed Leskosky, Cleveland, OH;
Jesse Cole, Location Manager and Tom Tomlinson, Project Director, Downtown
Theatre District Revitalization, Arts Council of
Winston-Salem & Forsyth County, Winston-Salem,
Rethinking Our Approach to the NC
Patron Experience
(Wiltern A) Strength & Beauty: Implementing
Gone are the days when your theater Seismic Solutions & Restoring
was only competing with a neighboring theater Decorative Finishes
or cinema. Now, your organization also has to (Wiltern C)
contend with Netflix, XBox and Youtube. So, in a Safety is the top concern of every owner when
world where the boundaries between physical implementing a restoration and often that includes
and digital are blurred, the question is: how do a seismic upgrade. But retrofitting and restoring
historic theatres takes much more consideration
2017 EDUCATION PROGRAMS and finesse than simply erecting oversized framing
to battle the forces of nature. Through case studies
Official and presentations by a panel, including a structural
Conference engineer, general contractor and decorative
Education finishes specialist, participants will learn: the range
Sponsor of seismic options and the implications on budget
and schedule, considerations that impact the
41 National Conference & Theatre Tour July 2017 INLEAGUE | PAGE 13