Page 7 - §顯微鏡
P. 7

                 (3)Epithelial cell (Podocyte):為絲球體最外層的非連續細胞,為一指狀的突起物,突起物
                                                                   間有小縫  (slit-pore)

                 分子量      物質                  通透率

                 5,200         Inulin                 1.00
                 30,000       Small protein     0.5
                 69,000       Albumin            0.005


                 (3)血管的靜水壓  (hydrostatic pressure)與溶質的膠體壓  (oncotic pressure)

             三、Tubular reabsorption 腎小管再吸收

             (a)主動運輸  Active transport:
               -  機轉:濾液有用的物質成分與腎小管細胞膜上的蛋白質結合通過
               -  物質:Glucose, amino acids, salts (近端曲管 proximal convoluted tubes)

                               Chlorides (descending loop of Henle)
                               Sodium (遠端曲管 distal convoluted tubes)
               (b)被動運輸  Passive transport:
               -  機轉:藉由膜內外濃度差異使物質進行再吸收

               -  物質:Water (ascending loop of Henle 除外)
                               Urea (近端曲管、ascending loop of Henle)
             (c)Renal threshold

               - Glucose: 160-180 mg/dL
             (d)Renal-angiotensinogen-aldosterone cascade
                 血壓下降  →  Renin (juxtaglomeular apparatus)  釋出  →  將由肝臟分泌的

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