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P. 46

46                                                              March 2020        AgriBrasilis

            investment line has already       (US$ 2.27 billion).              connectivity in the field, due
            received R$ 14.8 billion, an        Regarding incentives for       to the absence of telephone
            increase of 14.5% (R$ 1.9         the installation of factories,   networks. This is the main
            billion) when compared to         proposals     include     tax    obstacle to the use of
            the R$ 12.9 million initially     exemption for donation of        technology embedded in the
            granted.                          land, an investment that         machines.
               In     the     2020/2021       creates jobs along with             However, that has been
            Harvest Plan, almost R$ 2         the collection of taxes, in      changing due to programs
            billion (US$ 468 million)         addition  to  moving  other      like    ConectarAGRO,        a
            more were allocated to            sectors around the factory.      program that was created to
            agricultural credit programs      It is noticed that the           encourage the improvement
            than in the previous crop         machines and implements          of rural connectivity. This
            year.    According to the         developed today have a lot       program  addresses  the  fact
            federal    government,     the    of potential that is not yet     that the number of people
            Modernization        Program      explored  by  the  farmer.       who do not have access to
            for the Agricultural Tractor      What would be the reasons        telephony in the field is 21%,
            and     Implements       Fleet    for this?                        according to IBGE³.
            (Moderfrota)         received       The  main  difficulty  that       It is a premise to work with
            approximately R$ 9.7 billion      producers face is the lack of    open technologies that have
                                                                               a  global  standard.  The  idea
                                                                               requires having access to
                                                                               the internet throughout the
                                                                               national territory, especially
                                                                               in rural properties.
                                                                               The cost of  purchasing
                                                                               and operating machines
                                                                               in Brazil is still a challenge
                                                                               for the producer, what is
                                                                               the influence of the rise in
                                                                               the dollar?

                                                                                  Eduardo Kerbauy, Brazil Market
                                                                              Director at New Holland Agriculture
                                                                                   Eduardo Kerbauy, New Holland

               据农业部和中央银                       。                                尚未发掘。 这是什么原因呢?
            行称,加强家庭农业计                          在2020/2021收成计划                    生产者面临的主要困难是由
            划(P r o na f )和Ma is              中,农业信贷项目的拨款比                     于缺乏电话网络,导致该地区
            Alimentos(更多食品)的                  上一年度增加了近20亿雷亚                    通讯落后。  这是使用机械嵌入
            投资项目获得了新的资金支                      尔。      根据联邦政府,农用                式技术的主要障碍。
            持,金额为10亿雷亚尔。                      拖拉机和农具机组现代化计划                    计划(该计划旨在鼓励改善农
               这是该投资组合在                       (Moderfrota)获得款项约97              村地区的通讯),通讯落后的
            2019/2020年收成计划(巴                  亿雷亚尔。                            情况已有改观。  据IBGE³,该
            西银行为种植提供信贷的经                        关于建立工厂的激励措施,                   计划呈现了这样一个事实,即
            济计划)中为该模式提供的                      倡议包括了对捐赠土地的工厂                    该地区无法使用电话的人数达
            第二笔信贷支持。 关于原有                     免税,该投资除了将其他部门                    21%。
            资金,Pronaf投资项目已收                   转移到工厂周围外,还增加了                       改善通讯是使用具有全球标
            到148亿雷亚尔,比最开始                                                      准的开放技术的前提,  这个想
            的发放的1,290万雷亚尔增                    人们注意到,如今开发的机械                    法要求在全国范围内,尤其是
            加了14.5%(19亿雷亚尔)                   和农具具有很多潜力,但农民                    在农村地区,人们能够使用互
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