Page 50 - AgriBrasilis 1st edition.pdf
P. 50

50                                                             March 2020        AgriBrasilis

                                  Pesticide registration:

                                How long for approval?

                                  Article by Flavio Hirata, partner of AllierBrasil Consulting

               2019 was the record year  56.84%,          followed      by
            for approvals of pesticide       formulated products based
            registrations, with a total  on        technical    equivalent
            of 475. There were 41            products (FP/TEP), 21.89%.
            approvals of biological and         Despite  the  significant
            organic products and plant  increase in the number
            extracts (8.63%), compared  of  approvals  over  the  last
            to 434 registrations of  4 years, this does not
            technical products, technical  necessarily mean that the
            equivalent  products  and  time for approvals has
            their respective formulations  reduced.  In  the  case  of
            (91.57%).                        registration of formulated
               The high number of  products based on technical
            approvals     confirms     the  equivalent products (FP/
            trend of previous years. An  TEP), also known as generic
            average of 433 registrations  products,        according     to
            per year was approved in         the survey carried out by
            the last 3 years. It is 3 times  AllierBrasil Consulting -
            higher than the average of  company           specialized    in
            132 registrations per year in    pesticide registration, in this   Flavio Hirata, MBA, agricultural engineer,
            the 2013-2015 period.            category of products, more            specialist in pesticide registration,
               The       highlight      of   than 85% of the approval of                    partner of AllierBrasil
            the approvals was the  the 78 registrations in 2019                Flavio Hirata, 工商管理硕士,农业工
            registration    of   technical   required 5 years or more,                      程师,农药登记专家
            equivalent products (TEP),  and 72% of  the  approvals
                                                                               AllierBrasil 农药登记咨询公司合伙人

                                        文章由AllierBrasil合伙人Flavio Hirata先生所著

            量创纪录的一年,共计475                      Number of pesticide registrations approved in the last 10 years:
            项。生物和有机产品及植物                                    过去10年获批的农药登记数量:
                                                            Source: Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil
   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55