Page 52 - AgriBrasilis 1st edition.pdf
P. 52

52                                                              March 2020        AgriBrasilis

                Number of approved registrations in 2019 and respective filing year of the registration process:
                                      2019 年已获批登记数量和对应登记申请年份:

                              Note: products classified as “Bio”, “Bio/Org” and “Extract” were excluded.

                            Estimated time for approval of pesticide registration and percentage:

                                                Source: AllierBrasil Consulting

               According to the survey        product (TC) or technical        this allows farmers to choose
            data, only 16.35% of the          equivalent (TEP) to be           pest and disease control
            formulated         equivalent     approved, the period for         practices to maximize their
            product registrations were        the launch of formulated         profits with the expectation
            approved in less than 5 years.    products (FP/TEP) may            of better harvests.
            Many of these cases were the      reach 10 years or more.             In     another      survey
            result of legal actions against      The record for pesticide      performed by AllierBrasil,
            the regulatory agencies in        registration       approvals     another significant data are
            order for the process to be       has been very polemic.           the main active ingredients
            evaluated within the period       However,      contrary     to    that the companies of the
            established by  Law, within       what has been reported           sector are focusing on. Only
            120  days  after  filing  the     by  non-specialized  media,      11 active ingredients in a
            registration application.         more products in the             total of 66 represent 43.7%
               Taking into account that       market  does  not mean           of the registered technical
            in order for the registration     higher consumption. This         equivalent products (TEP),
            process of a formulated           reasoning  is  of  simple        with emphasis on glufosinate
            product(FP) and formulated        understanding, because no        ammonium, with 9.25% and
            equivalent product (FP/           farmer will spend financial      azoxystrobin  with  6.29%,
            TEP) to be eligible for           resources to apply products      herbicide    and    fungicide
            evaluation       after     the    without an agronomic need.       respectively.
            approval of the registrations        However,  it  is  clear  that    Some  of  these  active
            of their respective technical     with  a  higher  number  of      ingredients     have     over
            products, and considering         competitors, the market          40     approved     technical
            the time for the technical        tends to lower prices, and
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