Page 54 - AgriBrasilis 1st edition.pdf
P. 54

54                                                              March 2020        AgriBrasilis

            equivalent product (TEP)          processes were initiated  a      products is still the biggest
            registrations,       reaching     long time ago.                   barrier to market access,
            almost saturation. Other             The ownership of the          although other barriers have
            active    ingredients    have     pesticide registration gives     emerged in the last 10 years,
            few prospects of market           security to the player who       such as distribution, credit,
            access, whether due to the        accesses the market, as well     portfolio, and toxicological
            fact that factories have          as  significantly  increases     and     environmental      re-
            been  closed,  reevaluation       the value of the company         evaluations.
            by regulatory agencies, low       with    this   asset,   since       On    the   other    hand,
            agronomic effectiveness, for      several companies have           laboratory  costs  for dossier
            example.  The approval of         the registration with the        preparation  - which for
            registrations considered not      purpose of adding value in       a long time were limited
            so  commercially  attractive      the likely sale of it. It can be   by  stratospheric    values
            today is due to the fact the      said that the registration of    - are no longer a barrier,
                                                                               considering that their values
                                                                               have been reduced by up
                                                                               to 60%, depending on the
                                                                               laboratory. Therefore, time
                                                                               for registration approval
                                                                               is still the biggest market
                                                                               access barrier.
                                                                                  Even so, the Brazilian
                                                                               pesticide market is still the
                                                                               most attractive in the world.
                                                                               This is one of the reasons
                                                                               the global market dynamic
                                                                               keeps changing with focus
                                                                               mainly on Brazil.


            批准的原因是这些程序在很  久                  仍然是进入市场的最大障碍。                        原因之一,而变化主要集中
            以前就开启了。                             另一方面,资料数据的准备                   在巴西。
               农药登记的所有权为进入市                  长期受高费用的限制,现在考                         注:
            场的市场主体提供了安全性,                    虑到资料准备的实验费用已降                        TPE: 等同原药
            并大大增加了公司使用该产权                       低至60%,该类费用已不再                     TC: 原药
               的价值,因为有多家公司进                  是什么问题。  因此,登记获得                      FP/TPE:基于等同原药的
            行登记的目的是为了增加可能                    批准的用时仍然是进入市场的                        制剂
            出售的产品的价值。尽管在过                       最大障碍。                             Pre-mix:预混剂:原药
            去10年里存在其他障碍,如分                       即便如此,巴西的农药市场                  (TC)  准备,使原药(TC)
            销、信贷、组合、毒理学和环                    仍然是世界上最具吸引力的。                     能  在不同的生产地点进行运输
            境重估,但是可以说产品登  记                  这是全球市场动态不断变化的                     或配制制剂。
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