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From the Coordinator for Career and Technical Education

                  1.  CTE Grant Amendments: Prepared and submitted grant amendments for both Perkins (Federal) and
                      CTEI (state) grants.  Amendments approved by regional EFE and ISBE.

                  2.  Quarterly Expenditure Report:  Working closely with our regional Education for Employment (EFE)
                      and Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations on the depletion of funds for the 2019-20
                      school year.  Allocations have not yet been released for the 2020-21 school year.

                  3.  Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA):   Working closely with the regional Education
                      for Employment (EFE) on the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA).  Review of the
                      Local Needs Assessment strategies, CLNA performance indicators, and new program matrices as it
                      relates to the new Perkins V and its requirements.  Some of the areas to address but not limited to
                      include:  credential attainment, work-based learning (WBL), labor market alignment, addressing
                      technical knowledge and skills, employability skills, and career cluster alignment.

                  4.  Summer Curriculum Projects Working closely with Assistant Superintendent of Educational
                      Services on the review of CTE summer curriculum projects.  CTE projects and all CTE courses must
                      address both technical knowledge and skills as well employability skills to be in compliance with the
                      new Perkins legislation and to not impact funding.

                  5.  Dual Credit Articulation   Work closely with Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services on
                      dual credit articulation. Several courses are scheduled to be articulated for the upcoming school year.
                      Continued collaboration and conversations with universities to complete the articulation.

                  6.  Summer PD for CTE:  All CTE instructors provided communication on FREE professional
                      development opportunities related specifically to CTE.  Many of these workshops are hosted by
                      South Cook ISC-4.  Instructors must register in order to participate.

                  7.  Curricula Development Alignment: Working closely with Education for Employment (EFE) on new
                      course and sequence alignment as a result of Perkins V legislation in the development, adoption and
                      implementation of curricula for CTE programs.  This will involve a review of all Career and
                      Technical Education (CTE) CIPs and CTE indicators for alignment to protect funding of all CTE

               From The Director of Student Support Services-

                   1.  Worked with the Educational Services team on the e-learning and remote learning plan.

                   2.  Worked with a sensory room consultant in conjunction with the special populations committee to
                       order recommendations for Zen Zones for next year.

                   3.  Completed needs assessments with Student Support Services departments for the Consolidated
                       Grant components for FY 21.

                   4.  Consulted with SPEED regarding the agreement for space use. SPEED is our Special Education
                       Joint Agreement for our district. This is the second year that SPEED is renting space from Rich
                       Township. SPEED has indicated that they will only need to rent one classroom for the 2020-2021

                   5.  Consulted with feeder school districts regarding supports needed for incoming students.


                                            EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER/EDUCATOR
   147   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157