Page 150 - Draft
P. 150

Q: Where those particular large groups teacher requests or did the admin decide?

                      A: Administration considered all mod requests and course team rationales.  For example,
                      math course teams said they did not want large groups.

                      Q: What is English I vs English II? Does that indicate two separate set of teachers?
                      Two separate classes.

                      A: Large groups are formed by putting two teachers’ sections together, ideally.

                      Q: For the years tab, is that an example of the days they will have large group for the
                      week? (Example:  no large group for freshmen on Friday)

                      A: That is correct.

                      Q: Is the large group the only schedule we have at this point and later we will see the
                      labs and small group?

                      A: Yes. Large group is the only schedule made at this time.  As we complete the other
                      schedules, we will share them with staff. We are working on small groups and academic
                      labs next.

                      Q: Can we have a schedule of one teacher schedule as an example? For example, will
                      the Pre AP world teacher expected to be there for seven large groups on Tuesday?

                      What happens to that teacher on Monday?

                      A: We are working on a sample teacher schedule with large groups, small groups and
                      academic labs.  Once created, we will share.  No, a teacher would not have seven large
                      groups on one day.

                      Q: How many students are in large group especially considering CDC guidelines?

                      A: See the response to Question 3.  Class sizes may potentially be affected by certain
                      COVID-19 impacts.

                      Q: I thought large groups were for long classes, what is the length of a normal class? I
                      was assuming this was small group time lengths.

                      A: Administration made the decision to keep large groups at 40 minutes during our first
                      year with flex-mod scheduling.  We also want to provide teachers with training for teaching
                      with flexible time. We will evaluate to see if additional time is needed for next year.


                                            EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER/EDUCATOR
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