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Grant Management
Submitted for Healing Illinois grant through The Illinois Department of Public Health that is
focused on healing racial. We applied for the maximum for this grant, which was $50,000. With
this grant we would partner with Hansra Consulting to facilitate some restorative circles for staff
members will engage in dialogue to build understanding and empathy, as well as to complete the
certification to become Conscious Ambassadors of Trauma Informed Care and can continue the
training with other staff members. We are awaiting final determinations.
Collaborating with Suburban Juvenile Justice Council. We have applied for a Violence Prevention
Grant for $100,000. Submitted and approved for the Violence Prevention Grant through the
Suburban Juvenile Justice Council to address chronic truancy. We were granted 1.5 truancy officers
through this grant. We also will contract to provide counseling to students, restorative justice
trauma informed care, and anger management.
Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services
Course Proposals
In alignment with the district goal to develop a clear focus on students and on the quality of
experiences and supports provided to them, the Office of Educational Services will bring the
following course proposals before the board of education for approval:
Integrated Math IB MYPD Integrated Math I
World History and Geography + Reading IB MYP Integrated Math II
Freshman Advisory IB MYP Spanish II
IB MYPD English II IB MYP French II
IB MYP Individuals and Societies I IB MYP Integrated Visual Arts
IB MYP Individuals and Societies II IB MYP Physical Education and Health I
IB MYP Chemistry IB MYP Physical Education and Health II
In order for the district to pursue International Baccalaureate authorization of the district’s new
Middle Years Program, the following courses will need to have name changes for the 2020-2021:
MYP English: Literature and Language to IB MYP English I
MYP Biology to IB MYP Biology
MYP Mathematics to IB MYP Integrated Math I
MYP Spanish to IB MYP Spanish I
MYP French to IB MYP French I
MYP Pre-AP Art to IB MYP Integrated Visual Art