Page 245 - Draft
P. 245
Curriculum and Instruction Update
Work continues in the area of curriculum and instruction during the rebranding of Rich
Township High School. With the creation of pathways, academies, and other academic
programs, professional development has been provided to both administration and instructors.
This includes a continuation of the High Reliability School Certification through the Marzano
Research group. The administrative team has participated in its second year of High Reliability
School PD and as a result has developed an Instructional Framework aligned to the district’s
Strategic Plan.
Some of our instructors and Academy Leaders participate in CT3’s No Nonsense Nurturing PD.
CT3 provides strategies to both administrators and instructors in developing a classroom
environment with high expectations and how to have courageous and empowering
conversations with both students and adults.
Our partnership with Academic Approach continues and as a result, the organization will
provide our juniors with customized instruction aimed at increasing their scores on the SAT.
Additionally, Academic Approach has identified our priority standards based on student data
and is developing four benchmark assessments to measure student progress. These
assessments will be utilized by course teams to have data-driven discussions guiding work
within their Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s).