Page 243 - Draft
P. 243
IncubatorEdu Update
The district is excited to provide an update on the Business IncubatorEdu course. Currently
there are 15 student enrolled. The students have received coaching from experts in their
respective field on an almost weekly basis. Topics ranging from (Customer Segmentation,
Marketing for Startups, Website Creation, Pricing and creating a value proposition for their
product). Students have walked from the beginning of researching a problem they want to
solve to coming up with a solution to the problem to conducting market research by creating
surveys to get feedback from potential consumers. Students recently completed the Financial
unit where they had to determine the cost structure of their product. They also created a
financial plan to forecast future revenues and expenses. They are currently working on their
MVP Pitches (Minimum Viable Product) to receive feedback form potential investors.
For the second semester students will implement their MVP to receive feedback form potential
customers. We will also be diving into the legal aspects of creating a business. We will finish up
with promotion and lastly with the final pitch at the end of the year.
More information regarding the final pitch date and the invitation to investors is currently in
the development phase and will be communicated sometime in March.