Page 240 - Draft
P. 240
AP Trend Data
School Year Students Exams Total Honor Percent
Enrolled Ordered Scores Honor Score
2018-19 614 739 188 25
2019-20 598 792 191 24
2020-21 480 865 *N/A *N/A
*Indicates students have not tested yet.
The table above represents three years of data pertaining to enrollment, exams ordered, and
the number of students earning an Honor Score. A score of 3 or higher is considered an Honor
Score by the College Board. The percent of students earning an honor score on their AP exams
has remained constant over the past few years. It is important to note that the number of
students sitting for the exams has increased as indicated by the number of exams ordered. The
district has made it taking the AP exam the expectation and not the option for students
enrolled in AP courses.
It is also important to note that even with Covid-19 preventing in-person instruction during the
second semester of 2019-20, students still were able to surpass the previous number of exams
ordered and the total number of Honor Scores.
The district’s focus is still to provide the equity and access to rigorous courses and the data
trend supports this focus.