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Business Office Construction
The Fieldhouse Bid package will be publicly opened and read at the District Office of Rich
Township High School District 227 at 20550 S. Cicero Avenue, Matteson Illinois 60443 at
10:30 am on February 9, 2021. This bid package will include the foundation, asphalt, fencing,
electrical, irrigation, excavation an other miscellaneous trades. The fieldhouse will have over
bid packages in the future since the project bids in phases.
Pepper and Ujamma will host a virtual contractor outreach session on January 20, 2021 from 2:00 pm –
3:00 pm. The purpose of the session is to increase minority participation in the bidding process.
Levy and Abatements filings
The levy and abatement documents were delivered to the Cook County Clerk’s office on December 24,
2020 ahead of the December 29 deadline.
The U.S. Department of Education has shared state allocations for the second round of COVID-19
relief funding for schools through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund
(ESSER II). Illinois will receive $2,250,804,891 – more than four times the amount we received under
It is recommended the funds are used toward our most urgent needs: mitigating learning loss through
supplemental learning opportunities, closing the digital divide, and addressing the mental health needs
of our students. Illinois has charted historic gains toward closing the digital divide, but there are still
students without the devices and connectivity they need. To mitigate learning loss, consider a longer
school year, before/after-school programs, and summer learning opportunities. Begin planning now to
reimagine the school calendar and expand the school day to ensure students receive every opportunity
to grow.
Based on information released on January 4, 2021, the estimate of the district’s allocation is and
additional $2.9 million. Please see the detail below:
Financial Information
The fund balance information is listed below. The data shows that the District is operating at a surplus
in the operating funds for the first half of the fiscal year. In the non-operating funds, there is a deficit of
$14.7 million, which is mostly due to construction and debt serve payments. The debt service fund will
improve when the next property tax payments are processed.