Page 155 - draft
P. 155

Student Handbook Committee

                   Worked in collaboration with student handbook committee to develop a proposed student handbook for
                   the 2020-2021 SY.  We had four meetings this month.

               Business Office

               Food Service

               The food service department is continuing to provide free emergency meals for all children in our
               area communities from ages 0-18.  With both Federal and State programs for Covid-19 being
               extended through August, our District will continue drive-up curbside distribution of five days of
               free breakfast and lunch per child at Rich East on Monday's from 9 am to 1 pm through the end of
               June.  The administration will continue to evaluate the need for these services in July and August.

               During months of May and June, the food service department was very busy. On June 1 , 10,690
               total meals were distributed and on June 8th 9,980 total meals were distributed.  This is an
               incredible amount of food to distribute in four hours and would seem a daunting task if not for all
               the excellent people that have risen to this new challenge. We have been witness to such excellent
               team work between departments and we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone that has
               been assisting and making this such a successful venture.

               Not only do we want to thank all our dedicated, caring and hardworking food service managers and
               food service professionals for their continued support of the program, but we can't express enough
               thanks to the building and grounds team for setting up our tents each Monday and the exceptional
               storekeepers and custodians that do a truly amazing and tireless job each week to make the program
               a success.  We can count on our excellent security team to be present for traffic and crowd control
               each week.  And a huge thank you goes out to the amazingly kind and caring Rich East faculty
               (including building staff, teachers and support service staff) that wanted to volunteer from the very
               beginning and "thrill" at seeing their students pass through picking up food just so they can say
               "hello".  We lastly thank our two retired teachers that heard what we were doing and couldn't wait
               to join the team of volunteers!  The dedication to our students and community is never ending.

               So to say these are unusual times is an understatement, but the show of caring and support for our
               area children and their families from so many different people has been heartwarming and uplifting
               in ways that we might have otherwise never seen.

               The food service department wishes to thank the Administration and the Board of Education for
               their confidence in our ability to serve the students and community in these unprecedented times.
               We are proud to be able to provide some nutritional security to our all our area children!

               Buildings and Grounds


                  -  Construction at Rich South and Rich Central is running smoothly.  Outside of normal and
                      anticipated stumbling blocks a few issues that came up in the last month are as follows:
                      •  Asbestos mastic found behind wall pads in main gym of Rich South


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