Page 152 - draft
P. 152
Q: For the large groups at Central/North, how are two classes running simultaneously
when we only have the little theatre?
A: Other spaces have been identified for large group besides the little theater.
Q: It is hard to tell if these large groups will work when we do not know how the
teacher’s schedule will look for the rest of the day and the week.
A: We are using the scheduling model where you schedule large groups first, then small
groups. Once they phase is completed, teachers will be able to see their schedule.
Q: How will the pandemic affect instruction, especially small group instruction from a
safety standpoint?
A: We anticipate COVID-19 impacting in-person instruction in the fall. We will wait for
further guidance from ISBE, but be proactive in planning. Any input you have would be
The Director of Curriculum and Data
1. Working with Dr. Bournes and Loyola University, we are providing opportunities for our staff to
collaborate with the Math Department from Loyola to help evaluate and modify our Math
curriculum in Algebra I, Geometry, and College Algebra.
2. The summer RAMP UP program will kick off on June 8. We have identified two teachers who will
teach the program in a virtual environment. The students will interact with ThinkCERCA, IXL
Math, and’s Robotics coding curriculum. There are currently fifteen students
enrolled and we are still accepting applicants.
3. Summer curriculum projects have been submitted to district office were reviewed, and approved.
The focus of the work involves modifying and adapting curriculum to accommodate a possibility of
Remote Learning in fall along with adhering to the Flexible Schedule modifications. The projects
also target increasing rigor, expectations, and differentiation to meet students’ learning needs.
4. Working with the Technology Instructional Team, we will offer options for staff to increase their
instructional capacity. The targeted areas are Google Level 1 certification, instructional technology
applications for engagement, rigor, and differentiation. The team will also develop a digital literacy
handbook for students to acclimate themselves to our digital environment.
5. Next year, the district will implement and expand the following programs: Project Lead the Way
(PLTW), Uncharted Learning (INCubatoredu), and Pre-AP. This requires special training for our
staff as they learn the expectations and requirements for teaching the program. My office will
ensure they are registered and provide any additional supports.
6. With the roll out of our 1:1 Chromebook take home initiative for the 2020-21 school year, we are
finalizing our digital license needs in order to make purchases for the 2020-21 school year. Once the
licenses are acquired, teachers will receive professional development on the dashboards and