Page 183 - draft
P. 183
Date: September 2020
To: Board of Education
From: Dr. Johnnie Thomas
Re: Executive Summary (Confidential)
Art & Communication - STEM
Rich Township High School held its annual open house on September 30 . Families got an
opportunity to tour the buildings and see the social distancing measures that have been put
in place to keep students safe during the pandemic. Teachers also posted informational
videos for families to view and learn more about the classes that their children are taking.
The preliminary results for school ratings have been released and Rich South maintained a
commendable rating. The report for that campus was the only information shared at this
Principal Varn was recently featured on the Family Hour, a weekly podcast produced by
Salem Baptist Church of Chicago. He discussed strategies for parents to support their
children during remote learning.
The Rich Township High School band has been invited by Congressman Robin Kelly to
participate in the National Memorial Day Parade in Washington DC. The school has elected
to postpone participation until 2022.
The business department completed a site visit to Barrington High School to collect ideas to
include in the redesign of the business classrooms at Rich Township.
Human Resources
The Office of Human Resources has worked diligently with building administrators to ensure that all positions
are filled with highly qualified teachers. The District currently has one remaining teaching vacancy and the
position has been assigned to a highly qualified substitute teacher who has a Doctorate in science. As a result