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In collaboration with the Division Lead of Student Support Services and ELL teachers, facilitated a district
wide parent meeting regarding the upcoming changes happening with the district and the ELL program.
Collaborated with Prairie State College for potential classes for students with disabilities to take.
In collaboration with the Assistant Superintendent of Education Services to host the Crisis Prevention
Institute for the Climate and Culture Coordinators and Security Leads to become trainers for crisis
prevention including de-escalation.
Organized an opportunity for Climate and Culture Coordinators to attend a Positive Behavior Interventions
and Supports (PBIS) training to help with building positive systems within our campuses.
In support with the Coordinator of Student Support Services, developed a Secretary Retreat for the campus
secretaries of student support services.
In collaboration with the legal team and senior leadership feedback revised the student handbook to include
the vital components for the 2020-2021 school year.
Submitted the Program Delivery Review for the English Language Learner (ELL) program to ISBE.
Worked with CT3 regarding potential leadership and culture support for the district next year.
In collaboration with the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services and the Director of Technology,
developed registration protocols for the 2020-2021 SY.
In collaboration with the Director of IT, collaborated with LaserFiche, attorneys, and Easy IEP to develop
the contract for digital records project. We completed the scope of work for the server for special education
IEP meetings moving forward.
Identified a new property for the RTHS Life Skills Center in Olympia Fields after we ceased negotiations
with the Village of Park Forest. Submitted a memo to the Board of Education outlining this process with
updated costs.
Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services
The Office of Educational Services spent the month of July preparing for the opening of the 2020-2021
school year. A week was spent engaging the leadership in setting priorities and planning. Our administrators
have been building their capacity to support a number of district-wide initiatives such as Crisis Prevention
(CPI) and Positive Behaviors, Interventions and Supports (PBIS). The various departments have divided
their time managing the grants and supporting master schedulers to finalize the master flex mod schedule.
Administrative Retreat
The 2020 All District Administrator Retreat was held the week of July 13- 17, 2020 at the Fine Arts and
Communication Campus. The theme was “Stronger Together.” Thirty-one administrators attended in
person and three attended virtually. The offices of Business and Operations, Educational Services, and
Human Resources facilitated professional learning for the week. Administrators from both campuses and
district office collaborated in job alike groups to work on their plans in the following areas: preparing for the
opening of school, transitioning staff and students to a new school, planning to support remote learning,