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the Rich Township Raptors. This sound bite can be used to supplement athletics promotional videos and live
The District hosted the Summer School Graduation on July 28 for senior students that completed high school
during the summer school sessions. This ceremony was live streamed on Facebook Live and YouTube Live
on July 28 at 5:00 pm. The District received positive feedback from stakeholders on Facebook, assessed by
the quality of comments.
To keep our stakeholders informed with current information as it relates to 2020-21 school year information,
the Department is continuing to work closely with Global 360 Marketing to produce video messaging that
communicates important information with our stakeholders as it relates to returning to school in Fall 2020 in
light of the COVID-19 pandemic and our transition to a one-school, two-campus model. Film production
began on July 1 and continued through July 23 for a video series that communicated several components of
what reopening will look like under a hybrid learning model in terms of curriculum, special programs,
technology, transportation, activities, athletics, and facilities. This video was originally scheduled to be
presented at the July 21 board meeting; however, due to changes in the project scope, the final delivery was
delayed. Further, with continued uncertainty over school reopening in Fall 2020, the Department is ensuring
that these videos reflect the most up-to-date information as it relates to reopening. In August 2020, the
Department will work closely with Global 360 Marketing to produce video messaging that shows what a
“Day-in-the-Life” will look like for students as they return to school. The release date is contingent upon the
State or District’s decision to reopen schools.
In August 2020, the Communications Department will work closely with Global 360 Marketing to produce
video messaging that communicates the District’s plan for reopening, collaborate with internal stakeholders
to host a town hall meeting to receive community feedback and distribute clear, concise information as it
relates to reopening under a hybrid or remote learning model.
Art and Communication
Currently there are 39 students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate program. This offers more
students that the school initially expected. We are happy to offer two sections of IB rather than one. The
students in the IB classes were selected based on their academic record. The IB program represents our most
academically gifted ninth graders.
The building is nearly ready for students. The maintenance staff have worked tirelessly to ensure that our
spaces are ready to receive students later this month. New air conditioners have been installed. The culinary
kitchen is scheduled to be complete by August 7th. The gym floor is complete.
The Arts and Communications Campus currently has one teacher vacancy in mathematics. All other
teaching positions have been filled. We also have a school counselor position that we are working to fill
before the next board meeting.
The STAR Academy enrollment has grown significantly. We are prepared to go from servicing 80 students
to 140 students. This enrollment puts the STAR Academy at 88% capacity. There are only 20 available
seats in the STAR Academy. We hope that this will increase our district graduation rate even more.