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P. 173

Date:  August 2020

               To:    Board of Education
               From: Dr. Johnnie Thomas

               Re:    Executive Summary (Confidential)


               In July 2020, the Communications Department at Rich Township High School District 227 collaborated with
               Educational Services, Business Office, and Human Resources Department to develop and distribute multiple
               crisis communications documents and videos in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and 2020-21 school
               year information, distributed the District’s summer school graduation ceremony for Rich Central, Rich East,
               and Rich South High Schools, collaborated with the Community Relations Committee to begin school song
               and mascot introduction production, and continued film production for a project that communicates 2020-21
               school year information.
               In June 2020, the Department distributed written and video updates from the Superintendent’s Office on July
               7, 11, 19, and 24. These videos provide an opportunity for stakeholders to have a personal connection with
               the Superintendent during these times of isolation due to social distancing and allow the District to monitor
               feedback from stakeholders. The messages primarily included updates on the District’s reopening plan and
               online enrollment and registration. Regarding our plans to reopen schools under a hybrid model, several
               stakeholder groups (parents, teachers, and community members) expressed concerns regarding the safety of
               our staff and students. Parent's and teacher's concerns surrounded the risk of catching COVID-19 in a school
               setting that will allow for hundreds of people to be on-campus and the inability to secure childcare for
               younger children. Community members expressed concerns about the District’s schedule not being aligned
               with the feeder school districts’ decision to begin the school year under a fully remote learning model. After
               receiving community feedback, the Communications Department recommended the District host a town hall
               meeting to allow for stakeholders to express their concerns before the Rich Township Board of Education.
               Stakeholders have previously indicated that decisions have been made without the consideration of public
               input. Thus a town hall meeting is an arena where stakeholders can voice their opinions on issues that affect
               the community at large. The Special Board of Education Meeting was August 6, 2020, at 6:30 pm on the
               ZOOM platform.
               The Department collaborated with the Community Relations Committee to produce a school song and
               soundbite that will introduce the District’s new mascot: the Raptors! Committee members recommended that
               the District sponsor the production of a school song to help build school pride amongst students and staff as
               they transition from Rich Central, Rich East and Rich South, to simple one Rich Township High School. A
               committee member collaborated with songwriters and lyricists in New York City to produce a school song
               for the District, which school song sub-committee members must provide input on before final
               determination. In addition, committee members helped to produce an ~40- second sound bite that introduces
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