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4. In collaboration with the realtor and Dr. Evans, submitted a letter of intent for the 295 &
299 Main Street property in Park Forest. We received a counteroffer $21.00/ sq ft. we
submitted another counter for $19.50.
5. Held weekly meetings with DLs of SSS to increase alignment of process and procedures and
IEP development and implementation.
6. Attended the SPEED District Rep meeting.
7. Continued the conversation and progression with Advocate Aurora Health Partners
regarding the School based health Center. Anticipate continuing development January 2021
due to Covid-19.
8. In collaboration with the Director of IT, collaborated with LaserFiche, attorneys, and Easy
IEP to develop the contract for digital records project. We completed the discovery meeting
to get started.
English Learners (Emergent Bilingual)
1. In collaboration with the EL team across the District and the master schedulers, completed
the development of our ELL TBE and TPI program for next year. The TBE program is
required because we have more than 20 students that speak one language (Spanish). The TPI
program is required for all other students that are ELLs that do not speak Spanish.
2. Set up ELL parent meeting that is tentatively scheduled for July 8, 2020. This meeting will
introduce parents to the ELL program and the components that are made up of the mandated
Transitional Bilingual Education(TBE) and The Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI).
Climate & Culture/MTSS
1. Worked in collaboration with climate and culture to begin developing supports for the 2020-
2021 SY.
2. Worked with STAR Renaissance to refine the use of our universal screener and progress
monitoring tool. STAR Renaissance will be used this year with the refinement components.
This year will be an evaluative year for this tool. Trimester check-ins with the vendor and
focused onsite coaching will be conducted this year.
Assigned students to pathways and to their academy. Worked with counselors to outline the
summer work that they will complete to make sure that students are in the correct classes for the
start of the 2020-2021 school year.