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P. 175
STEM Academy
Parents of the Freshman of the Class of 2024 have been visiting the STEM campus over the past 2
weeks. Parents made appointments to prove district residency, see our registrars, and bring in their school
physical paperwork.
We welcomed our new administrators this month.
Administration has been busy interviewing candidates for open positions.
As we begin the month of August, preparation for the start of school will be a top priority. This year, we
will have the added pressures of making sure our school is safe and ready to ensure the health of staff and
Construction and summer projects continue around the building.
Our culture and climate coordinators attended CPI training on July 27, 28, and 29.
Human Resources
The Office of Human Resources is currently working with building administrators to ensure that all certified
positions are filled with highly qualified teachers. As a result of several administrative resignations, the
District will propose a revised organizational structure that will be presented in the Executive session.
Retaining top talent who effectively meet the needs of students, staff, and the community is essential to
improving educational outcomes. Recently the administrator for Building and Grounds resigned as well as the
Principal of the STEM campus. The District will recommend one administrative candidate in August for the
Buildings and Grounds vacancy and was able to recall a few employees on a short-term basis to ensure that
the buildings are prepped for the opening day. Staffing levels are completed at 99%. Interviews are occurring
for the one Math vacancy. The District will host the annual New Teacher Orientation at the Fine Arts campus
on Thursday, August 12, 2020 and Friday, August 13 , 2020. The District has two days of power professional
development planned to welcome our new Faculty.
The District has provided employees with ADA/FMLA paperwork in response to growing concerns from
employees who have secondary health conditions. The District is working diligently with the Faculty
Association to address and impact bargain changes due to working conditions. The District has 3 new
confirmed cases of COVID 19. Employees impacted were required to be tested for COVID 19 and must receive
clearance before returning to work. COVID testing sites are free tests for people without insurance. Individuals
who have insurance are billed through the insurance company for the tests. Buildings are sanitized and cleaned
daily to control the virus from spreading. District 227 continues to be extremely responsive to creating a safe
environment for all employees during the COVID 19 Pandemic. The District has provided personal protective
equipment, for example mask, hand sanitizer, gloves, reduced the number of employees working and practices
social distancing guidelines. All employees’ temperatures are taken upon entry into the building. Employees
who may have been exposed to the virus have diligently reported information to the District and then seek
testing, self-quarantine and are required to obtain a return to work release. Employees who are exposed to any