Page 205 - draft
P. 205
Human Resources
One maintenance employee has been placed on a paid administrative leave for failing to perform the essential
functions of his position. On September 15, 2020 the Board of Education approved a last chance agreement for
the employee; however, the employee’s professional conduct and behavior have not been remediated after
continued professional development, and support. The employee has decided to resign in lieu of a
recommendation for termination. The employee understands that he will not be eligible to apply for future
positions with Rich Township High School District 227. The Coordinator of Student Support Services resigned
from her position. The District will explore other options. The essential functions of the position will be revisited
in order to effectively meet the needs of students.
District 227 is committed to creating a safe environment for all essential workers during the COVID 19
Pandemic. The District has provided personal protective equipment, reduced the number of employees working
and actively practices social distancing. All employees’ temperatures are taken upon entry into the building and
the District now requires all employees to complete a daily health screening. The health screening provides an
alert for administrators when an employee is attempting to report for work and has symptoms. Employees who
may have been exposed to the virus have diligently reported information to the District and then seek testing.
Employees with symptoms are required to test, self-quarantine and retest with a negative test before reentry is
allowed. The Illinois Department of Public Health continues to be an invaluable partner providing information
and updates for school districts.
All Rich Township High School District 227 hall monitors were provided with two days of professional
development by Supreme Security Agency. During the two days of training the hall monitors learned de-
escalation strategies, how to provide support for our police liaisons and they also received the 20 hour unarmed
security training certificate. Retired Federal Marshall Officer Carl Scott provided the training and the professional
development was needed and well received by the hall monitors. Providing support for our students and offering
the strategies that will teach our hall monitors how to actively engage with students will contribute to a positive
culture and climate.