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Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

               In collaboration with the MTSS Specialist, organized several professional development sessions for
               staff on how to assist students, identifying tools to help, and using data to inform instruction.

               English Language Learners (ELL)

                In collaboration with the ELL team prepare for the next Bilingual Parent Committee in December.

               Submitted the ELL numbers to ISBE for the ELL count and testing.

               Attended and represented the District at the Regional ELL-BDC meeting.

               Climate and Culture

               In Partnership with the Climate and Culture Coordinators, social workers, and SEL Coach identified a
               SEL screener to be used as a pilot for students starting in January.
               In partnership with the Climate and Culture Coordinators for implementation of our Triumph over
               Truancy Intervention Program. Interviews were conducted and 1.5 truancy officers were hired.

               Professional Development

               Coordinated with educational partner, CT3, to get 10 administrators trained for Real-Time Teacher
               Coaching.  This will be the foundation to training the coaches with the real time teacher coaching to
               coach and support our teachers.  We also have set the dates for the District leadership training that will
               occur biweekly beginning in January.

               Coordinated a professional development opportunity with our 10 LaserFiche users. LaserFiche will
               assist us in transitioning to digital with our special education records.

               Coordinated Rocketbook training for technology staff and special education team for additional
               assistive technology to use with students to increase independence.

               Coordinated N2Y training for our ALPHA and ALPHA Transition program. The N2Y tool will help
               us to provide students in these programs with rigorous, visual, and engaging content.

               The Director of Student Support Services attended various professional developments focused on
               English Language Learners, return to instruction, legal updates, and other various ISBE webinars.

               Grant Management

                Consistently reviewed the IDEA grant spending. Prepared the Q1expenditure report to submit to

                In collaboration with Suburban Juvenile Justice Council attended several meetings related to the
               Violence Prevention Grant. This grant opportunity was presented to the Board of Education at the
               Committee-of-the-whole meeting on November 17 .
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