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P. 213

Audit Update
               The information gathering phase of the audit is complete and is now going through a review with the senior
               auditing team. When the review is complete the district will receive draft financial statements. It is anticipated
               that the audit will be complete before the end of the year. It is important to note, that if the audit is completed in
               December, it will be the earliest completion in the district’s recent history. Therefore, the staff that work with
               the financial data should be commended on their hard work and dedication to ensuring that the financial
               statements are presented correctly. This has been a monumental lift for everyone involved.

               Food Service

               During the month of November, the food service department served 95,670 meals, which included breakfast and
               lunch. The reimbursement will be $312,232. Please note that the district is permitted to provide meals the
               community even of the family does not have a student enrolled in our schools.  The meals provided by the team
               has been impactful.  There has been a steady increase in the number of families served during this time and
               some of the same families are coming regularly.

               Orr vs Rich Township High School District 227
               On October 3, 2019, Orr was walking from her vehicle to the door 5 for a sporting event, where she tripped and
               fell. She suffered injuries due to the fail. The medical expenses are $35,984. The demand is $90,000 to settle.
               The Board attorney is investigating the matter through interviews, evidence gathering, and a site visit to prepare
               for the district defense and making a recommendation to the Board. Orr was discharged from medical care and
               seems to be doing well at this time. More information will be forthcoming.

               Results from Operations

               The results from operations are positive for the five months of FY21. These results show an overall
               surplus of $2.7 million, which includes an operating surplus is $9.3 million.  The capital projects fund
               is showing a deficit as the district is paying for construction, but the ending fund balance is positive.
               Please note the deficit in the construction fund was expected and budgeted.

               When comparing the operating funds financial data to last year’s results through November 2019, the
               revenues higher by $2.7 million, while the expenditures in those same funds are less by $1.5 million. It
               should be noted that the district is still operation during COVID; therefore, salaries, benefits, and other
               expense are still occurring as normal. However, in areas such as transportation, and some salary lines,
               there are declines in expenditures.

               Respectfully submitted,

               Dr. Johnnie Thomas
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