Page 210 - draft
P. 210

Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services

               Data Conversations

               Data Conversations were held with each Academy Leader (the Technology and Engineering Academy,
               the Health, Family, and Consumer Sciences Academy, the Business and Communications Academy,
               the Fine Arts and International Baccalaureate Academy,  the STEM Campus Freshman-Sophomore
               Academy and the Fine Arts and Communication  Campus Freshmen-Sophomore Academy) to conduct
               a deep data dive into course performance data, teacher observation data, attendance data and student
               achievement data.  Academy Leaders and Coordinators of Climate and Culture presented to the
               Instructional Leadership Team.

               A formal report and presentation will be made to the board in January.

               Professional Development

               The following professional development activities have occurred.

                Teachers participated in the following training and professional development:

                   1.  CT3- No-Nonsense Nurturer Coaching

                Administrators participated in:

                   1.  Marzano High Reliability Schools Level 1 and Level 2 Training, Session 3
                   2.  CT3- No-Nonsense Nurturer Coaching

               Student Engagement

               We are using student attendance as one metric to measure student engagement during remote learning.
               This is the average daily attendance by grade level for November 1, 2020 to November 30, 2020.

                Grade Level     Average Daily Attendance (ADA) %
                9th                             85.92%
                10th                            83.33%
                11th                            81.50%
                12th                            73.91%
                District                        81.08%

               District attendance for November is down 3.73% from October (84.81%).
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