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P. 212

Innovation and Community Engagement
               The District held an informational session on the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (MYP) to
               our feeder schools to promote the MYP pipeline.  An informational session was also held with our staff during a
               Late Start Wednesday to communicate where the District is in the authorization process and to recruit teachers
               for the sophomore year (Middle Years Program Level 5).

                    Business Office

               Buildings and Grounds

               Construction Update
               Pepper Construction along with Ujamma hosted a virtual contractor outreached session on Wednesday,
               December 9, 2020 (the flyer was included in your packet). Prior to the session, the invitations were sent to a list
               of known minority contractors. This session was conducted to introduce and increase minority participation to
               the stadium construction project. These sessions are advantageous to the district and the minority contractors.
               For example, if a contractor is interested in bidding on the project, but cannot afford the bid bond (deposit), they
               may be able to become a subcontractor to a larger contractor. In addition, the session can be used for contractors
               to network with other contractors and the become known to our construction partners. The session was also
               timed ahead of the next bid cycle that will occur in December. Additional outreach sessions are planned before
               the next bid in early 2021. There were 18 people that attended the session, some of those people were FAC
               committee members.
               Stadium Bid

               The summer projects will be bid separately. This is done for many reasons such as, longer lead times may be
               needed to procure materials or projects that take a longer time to build should be out to bid sooner. Also, the
               sooner projects reach bid, the better the bids, in some instances. Moreover, an earlier bid will ensure that the
               district in on the contractors’ calendar before other non-district projects are scheduled.  The stadium project will
               bid in December (the flyer was included in your packet).  The successful bidders will be presented at the
               January Board meeting for approval. The bid documents will be available on December 11, 2020 until January
               7, 2021, when the bids will be publicly opened read at 10:30 am at the district office.
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