Page 15 - LIFE MAGAZINE OCTOBER 6 - 1961
P. 15
You'll get none of the heaviness of fat with
Carnation Instant-the "Magic Crystals" nonfat milk!
REFRESHINGLY NEW-with every glassful tasting even better Keep a pitcher full of Carnation Instant in the refrigerator.
than the last, until you just can't go back tp ordinary milk. PERFECT FOR COOKING, TOO ! No special recipes needed.
LIGHTNESS THAT MAKES SENSE. All the protein, calcium and EVEN WHIPS ! Carnation "Magic Crystals" tufazp-to add wonder-
B-vitamins of freshest whole milk-without risking the pen. ful new lightness to recipes...or as luscious topping with
alties of fat. 36 less calories than whipped cream. Only 1¢ a serving.
MIXES INSTANTLY, OF COURSE, because this is the "Magic Crystals" (Whipping directions are on the package.)
Instant-Carnation-the one that's deziejows for drinking! COSTS AS LITTLE AS 9C A QUART!