Page 12 - LIFE MAGAZINE OCTOBER 6 - 1961
P. 12


                    FALLOUT  SHELTERS              Sirs:                           precedent has been set that will prob-  marricds.   Part  1|   (Sept.   15)  is  even
                   Sjrs:                             Congratulations on }'our treatment  ably be on our conscience a long time.  more important to parents and teens.
                     LIFE   has   performed   another  out-  of  fallout  shelters.  Our  countr}'men  OSCAR  F.  SPICER  LIFE   has  attained   a   high  plateau
                   standing  public service  with  the  arti-  need  such  help  to  have  the  courage  Gettysburg,  Pa.  in  excellence  and  public  service  with
                   cle  on  fallout  shelters  (Sept.  15).  to   face   unpleasant   realit}'.   E\'en   ii.     these  articles.
                                 ED  EDMONDSON     pacifist  should  be  `ble to support  the  MISS  AMERICA                    BERT  L.  CURTIS
                   House of Representatives        shelter  program.  since  its  efi`ect  ci`n  Sirs:            Long  Beach, Calif.
                   Washington, D.C.                only  be  to  preser\`e  life  and  to  i`lle-
                                                   viate  suffering.                You gave Miss Delaware and  Miss  Sirs:
                   Sjrs:                            I note one flau',  however.  The  peo-  Utah  more  space  than  the new  Miss  You  gave  romance  a  rather  hard
                                                                                  America  (Sept.  15). I don't think this
                     I,  like  many  others,  held  a  fatalis-  plc   in   your   "Big   Pipe   in   the   Bach-  is  fair  at  all  to  North  Carolina.  or  kick in the teeth which I don't belie\'e
                   tic  attitiide  toward  the  fallout  prob-  yard"  are  going  to  be  disappointed  Mdria  Fletcher.   You  could  at   least  it deserves.  Maintain a sober outlook
                   leni.  Your  article  did  much to  bring  when  they try to tune  in Conelrad  on  have shown her in a bathing suit since  during courtshii).  of course,  but  have
                   home  to  me  the  fact  that  my  family  their   portable   radio.   The   pipe   is   a  she  won  the  swim-suit  competition  fun.  Why  look  Cupid  in  the e}.e  and
                                                   very   effective   radio   shield.   An}'one
                   can,  and must,  be protected.                                                                 ask  him  for  his  credentials?  He  ma}`
                                                   using  such  a  shelter  must   install  i`n    RUTH  BEST
                           MRS.  ROBERT  G.  STEELE  external  anteniia.          Burlington,  N.C.               never shoot  that  arTo``  at  .yoii  again.
                   Sea ford,  Del.
                                                                 Dor`  H.  GRoss                                          Douc,LAs  M.  GARDr`'ER
                                                   Soilth  Hamilton`  Mass.                                       Las  Vegas,  Ne\.
                     In  your  instructions  on  the  proce-  >  Right.Anaerial isneeded.-ED.                     Sirs:
                   dure  to  follow  in  case  of attack  you
                   seem   to  assume  split-second  action  Sjrs:                                                  One   of  the   most   effecti\'e   state-
                   and  complete  emotional  control  on                                                          ments yet seen. Ernest llavemann has
                   the  part  of  the  population,  when  it  You neglected to tell ils how  to siir-             succeeded  in  putting  into  print  what
                   appears more realistic to assume that  vjve  when,  at`ter  ii   two-week  shelter             must pass through (he minds of niany
                   mass panic would prevent many peo-  perjod,   we  emerge   into  a   \`orld   of               of the  more thoughtf.ul of us who ai.e
                   ple  from  reaching  shelters  in  time.  polluted    livestock`    \egeti`tion    and         involved  in  courtship-modem sty.1e.
                    Our  efforts  should  be  directed  to-  reservoirs.                                                    RICHARD  8.   BARBER
                   ward   a   movement   to   help   preveiit  BARBARA  \\`.ERSBA                                 Ann  Arbor.  Mich.
                   nuclear war  rather than  an  indoctri-  Vineyard  H€`ven,  Mciss.
                   nation  in  the  passive  aoccptance  of                                                       MISCELLANY
                   m€`ss  annihilation.           >  The vast and complex subject of
                                                  hou' to survive af.ter the iiiitial t`all-                      Sirs:
                               JANET SCHWARTZ
                   Madison,  Wis.                 out  period  \\'ill  be discussed  in  t`u-                      Ho\\  does the fellow on  the strato-
                                                  ture  issues  of LiF[.-ED.                                      cyc[e (Sept.15 ) get on and off without
                                                                                                                  falling   over?   His   bike   ism.t   exactl}'
                    Civil  Defense  should  be  replaced       PARIAY   OF  A                                     easy  to  climb  on.
                   by  Civil  Offense.  People  who  build     PICASSO                                                        RICHARD  LUCASH
                   shelters should be taxed  loo cents on                                                         Spring  Valle}'.  N.Y.
                   the  dollar with  all  monies  to  be  used  S i rs :
                   for offensive weapons.                       I  noti`d  Don  Ful-                              >  Getting on requires the help of a
                                                              ler.s   Picasso   (Scpt.                            friend  (bt'/oit').  Getting  off  is eas-
                          ARTHUR  RITTMASTER JR.                                       MISS   AMERICA   ICENTER)  ier.  He jumps.~ED.
                   New York, N.Y.                             15)  on  a  check  ui(h
                                                              interest    beciiuse    ill
                                                              JaniLi`r}'    11)60   I    (oo  EDITORIAL
                                                                                  S i rs :
                    Who can afford shelters? I've heard   i          mailedpici`ssoa  I  read  with  a  sense  of shock  }'our
                                                              check  (for  Sloo)
                   that one can't afford not to have one,     i`sking  jt` he coiildn.t  editorial   saying   that    ..Khrushche\
                   but,  as  a  teacher with four children,   send  iiie soii`ething  must   be   aware   that   the   American
                   I  just  manage  from  one  payday  to     t`or   the  check   since  people are willing to face nuclear uar
                   the next.                                  I  was a  great i`dmir-  for Berlin" (Sept.15). What is implied
                    Maybe I should choose a new pro-          er  of  his.  About  sit  is  a  near-unanimous  will  or  acqui-
                   fession-cement block building?  months   later   I    received   m}'   check  escence  to disaster.
                              RcOER C.  JOHNsON   back   plus   my   origiiial   letter  and   a  LIFE  magazine  has  written  highly
                  Dr{`yton  Plains,  Mich.        drawing  (aboi'{7)  on  the   bi`i`k  of  the  intelligent and constructive editorials
                                                  check.   You  Will  note  ho\\   similar  it  on  the need  for world  law in  settling
                  Sirs:                           is  to  Mr.  Fuller.s.          disputes.  This  is  a  rational  approach
                    In  your  picture  of  a  we][-stocked          JA\.  LusH    to foreign policy and needed the more
                  shelter   you   show   a   carbon   tetra-  Philadelphia,  F'.1.  desperately now that the dispute over
                  chloride hand-pump fire extinguisher.                           Berlin  has reached a dangerous stage.
                  This  is about the poorest type  of ex-  WAR   ON   WAR   IN   THE  CONGO   SALLY  HAMMOND
                  tinguisher   that   one   could   buy   be-  Sirs:              New  York,  N.Y.
                  cause   when   carbon   tet   hits  heat   it
                  breaks  down  into  hydrochloric  acid  Your  article  on   tlic  Congo  situ.i-  Sirs:            JIM   ARNOID   GETS   A   HAND   uP
                  and  phosgene  (a  poisonous gas) and  tion   (Sept.   15)  and   the   United   N:`-  Congratulations    on    your    Berlin
                  shoiild   not   be  used   in  any  enclosed  tions    forces.    crusade    agi`inst    tl`i`  editorial.  I suggest that after the crisis  SPECIAL  REPORT
                                                  "hired gun`. policy of Katanga  pro\-
                  area.                                                           passes the Allied powers build a liiag-
                         NORMAN  W.  LAWSON  JR.  ince struck me as incredibl}' stiipid.  .n  nificent new Berlin city similar to Bra-  S i rs :
                  Fort Thomiis,  Ky.              a   world   beset   by   troLibles   in   which  silia within  West Germany and  move  And  with  a  quiet  triumph   in  At-
                                                  there is a  plenitiide of violence  .ind  ii  old  Berlin  and  its  people  to  it.  ]anta.  as reported b}  Gcorge  MCMi]-
                  I.  The carbon tet extinguisher was  paucity  of  stability,  the   United   Ni`-  EDGAR  M.  IIELTMAN  lan  (Sept.15).  a  Whole  nation  quietl}'
                  for iise  outside the  shelter where,  tions expedition  in  Ki`t<inga c:`n  onl}'  Cincinnati,  Ohio  ex(ends  its  heartfelt  grati(ude  to  the
                                                  be  considered  aiding  the  former.   It
                  as  O.C.D.M.   officials  point  out,  takes  more  than  a  little  menti`l  g.\m-            citizenry of Atlanta for their courage
                  most  fires  would  Occur.  For  use  nastics to  underst&nd  how siich  ii  flii-  LOVE   AND   MARRIAGE  and  determination.
                                                                                                                   Atlanta`   m}   hand  -and   my   heart
                  inside    the    shelter   they    recom-  grant and unjiistified  use of force \\as  Si rs :
                  niend  a  water,  pump-type  extin-  supposed   to   insilre   the   tranquillit}'  Part   I   of   "Love   and   Mi`ri-iage"  80  OIIt  (0  y.Ou- M`RG.`RET  G.  SO\'EY
                  guisher.~ED.                    of  the  Congo.   Indeed,  a   di`ngcroiis  should   be   required   reading   for   all  Petaluma.  C.alif.

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