P. 9


    .Ion bea:uty inside!  Now qualdy I  Now drrablllly !

    A  last  }'ear's  quick  Plymouth  got  you  there.  32,000-mile  lube  cycle  on  major  chassis  points,        Yes,  you  obviously  owe  it  to  yourself  to  look  at
    |nd  then  I-ou  merely  point  this  Plymouth  the  4000-mile  oil change, self-adjusting brakes mean        Plymouth-more  closely  than  ever  before.    See
    T }ou `-ant to go.   Plymouth stays on course,  fewer "pit stops," less expense.  Even the battery-        its beautiful difference and look at the surprising
    I- Of  its  now,  improved  center-of-balance.  saving   alternator    (still   exclusive   as   standard        low  prices,  too.    There's  never  been  a  car  like
    I tliinF easy handling. too. thanks to the new  equipment   on   all   Chrysler   Corporation   cars)         this  one  on  yoz„  block  or  anywhere  else.   Look
    LI-riirion steering gear.  Also, you will find . . .  has been improved, although it hardly needed it.        at  the  new  Plymouth!    See  your  dealer  today!
          nmRT.iiT  i'Ew  EcONOMy                          THE   BEAUTIFUI,  DIFFERENCE   IN   TIIE  I,OW-PRICE   FIELD
    Pb~ IIou brings you what is probably the
    in hide than dry other fu)I-siz-e car in the THE IVIIN pzmooTH
    but pe ltibge  of any  full-size  car.   You  can
    cqu I- -gasoline  I)Teaks"  than  the  1961
    Phath toot .and rmember a Plvmouth "6"

    1961 Hol]i|grs Econotny Run ).  Plymouth's new                                               QLTALITY-ET\TGI`TF,ERF,I)  BY  CHRYSLER  CORPORATION
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