Page 11 - LIFE MAGAZINE OCTOBER 6 - 1961
P. 11

If you have a child,

                                                            you're rich enough to need a

                                                             EAMII]Y SECURITY


                                                    You  do  not  have  to  be  rich-in  dollars-to  Call  .vour   Metropolitan  man  today  for  a
                                                    }t.¢;7/ the  best  for your child.             Family  Security  Check-up.
                                                      But  to g/.ve him your best,  you do  have to  There   is   no   obligation-c,Tccpf   fo   /rfeosc
                                                    plan  wisely.  And you can  plan  wisely only if  you  love.
                                                    you know the facts.  Facts like these:
                                                      Do you know how much your  Social Security
                                                    will  be  worth?
                                                      Does your present insurance take your mort-
                                                   gage  ol.  rent  payments  into  consideration?
                                                      Have you unintentionally "disinherited" your
                                                    child?                                                 \rty-HAT  IT  Is  AND  WHAT  IT
                                                                                                                DOES  FOR  YOU
                                                      A  Family  Security  Check-Up  gives  you  a
                                                    clear picture of the provisions you have made      Wit.h the  hell)  of yoiir  Me{I.oi)oli{an man-
                                                    for your family's financial security. It is often  ] . You check the facts : your Social Security,
                                                                                                      your home, your life insurance, your pension
                                                    much bw.gfa/cr than you might imagine.
                                                                                                      plan`  your  savings  and   other  assets.   You
                                                       More than an interview-a service               may be surprised to learn how  /##ch you're
                                                    Now Metropolitan, the Company you look to
                                                    for   authoritative   information   on   physical  2. You weigh your responsibilities : mortgage
                                                                                                      or   rent   pa}Jments,   education,   retirement,
                                                    health, offers you a way to check your family's
                                                                                                      accident    and    sickness   emergencies;    how
                                                    financial health-the  Family Security Check-      much it \\'ould cost your family to live with-
                                                    Up.  It is available to everyone-whether you      out  \Ou.
                                                    need  insurance  or  not-and  whether  or  not    3. `'ou learn where you stand. You determine
                                                                                                      \our  \`eak  and  strong  points  .  .  .  whether
                                                    you have a  Metropolitan policy.
                                                      Metropolitan    representatives    ha\7e    been
                                                                                                      \Lill  do  what you  intend.  You  get  the  facts
                                                    trained in Metropolitan's own schools and are     in  t-ront  of. \'ou.
                                                    qualified by solid experience to bring you this   4.  You  plan  for  the  future.  Based  on  these
                                                    service.  They  are  equipped  with  businesslike  facts,  }ou  decide  what  action,  if any,  may
                                                    charts  and  tables  that  show  you  clearly,  in  be needed to give you a family security plan,
                                                    black and white, exactly where you stand.         tailor-made  to  your  own  needs  and  ambi-
                                                                                                      tions-one which makes good sense forj/ow.
                                                      Remember, Metropolitan is as local as Main
                                                    Street  .  .  .  as close as your phone.

                                                                         Metropolitan Life

                                                                                 INSURANCE  COMPANY

                                                                  A   MUTUAL   COMPANY  .  Home  Office-NEW  YORK-Since  1868  .  \l€ad  Offt:c-SA\'  FRANCISCO-Slnce  190|
                                                                          Head  Office~OTTAWA-Since   1924  .  Over  loc)0   Local  Off,ces  in   L'.S.A.  £r,d  Canada

                                                                                   THAT    NEVER  FAILS
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