Page 14 - LIFE MAGAZINE OCTOBER 6 - 1961
P. 14
FTfil IITpse
©ELEAm this: A console stereo with 10 speak-
Only General Electric gives you
ers, powered by a 100-watt amplifier.
E±©uDD The spea kers a re perfectly matched to
give you unusual richness and depth.
Yet, speakers alone do not guaran-
S©FTFT thoughtful extras to assure you of per-
tee high-quality stereo. That's why
General Electric adds a host of
SHAREP the world's tiniestvacuum cleaner. It's
fect sound. An example: Vacu-Magic,
mounted in the tone arm to draw up
dust from your records as they play.
EB I © EH This means better sound and longer
life for your records.
Other quality features: Your choice
FTUELEL of three authentically styled cabinets
-this "Early American" Cherry, Con-
EH I © EH temporary Walnut, or Traditional Ma-
hogany. Cabinets are genuine hard-
wood. And each model has an FM/AM
radio, fully equipped to receive the
FT=©Trm new stereophonic FM broadcasts.
General Electric offers you a varied
selection of fine console and portable
©REHSP will be proud to demonstrate them.
stereos. Your General Electric dealer