Page 7 - General Handbook for Parent/Guardians and Members
P. 7

B.  General Responsibilities of the Parent/Guardian(s) of MAD Club service users:

                    1    Communicate with the Youth Education Coordinator if your young person will be absent or
                         running late.
                    2    Communicate any concerns that you may have in relation to your young person’s
                         academic; social; emotional and/ or developmental needs.
                    3    Provide MAD Club with your contact details and relevant documentation relevant to your
                         young person’s educational journey.
                    4    Co-operate with the MAD Club staff in ensuring that your young person gets the most out
                         of what the Club can offer.
                    5    Work in partnership with MAD Club staff with application and payment of fees/
                         attendance of excursions and meetings regarding your young person.

                              C.  A brief notice on the use of technology when engaging with MAD Club:
                    Mobile        When a MAD Club service user enters the premise they must sign in and put their
                    Usage:        phone into the phone locker provided.  The phone will stay there for the
                                  duration of their time engaging with MAD Club.

                    Social Media  If the service user wants to use social media applications to ask peers questions
                    and           on their homework, they must gather all information prior to engaging with MAD
                    Applications  Club.
                    Chromebook  Chromebooks will be provided in various stations in Room 5 and Room 6 where
                    Usage:        service users can access for academic purposes only.
                    Internet      While engaging with MAD Club internet usage will strictly be for academic
                    Usage         purposes.
                    Printer       Stationed in each room will be a laptop with the access to print. Service users can
                    Access:       use this laptop to get hardcopies of notes/ resources throughout their
                                  engagement with MAD Club.

                                         D.   Risk management procedures for all involved:
                    General       With general behaviour MAD Club looks out for both the individual and overall
                    Behaviour     groups wellbeing. MAD Club operates a traffic light 3- strike policy when it comes
                                  to risk adverse behaviour. If a service user fails to follow MAD Club guidelines
                                  they will get a warning. If the same behaviour exists post warning the service
                                  user may be asked to leave the premise and that the Parent/ Guardian will be
                                  contacted. If the already highlighted behaviour persists there will be a meeting
                                  put in place where their continuation of membership will be questioned.
                    Child         MAD Club mirrors BRiLL FRC adherence to the National Children’s First Act 2015
                    Protection    and Children First National Guidance and Welfare of Children 2017. This means
                    Regulations:   that if there is an indication of harm present within MAD Club we are legally
                                  obliged to conduct a follow up.

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