Page 61 - NYAA Annual Report 2021
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            The NYAA would like to celebrate and honour the lives of our pioneers for their leadership and contributions.

               HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh                    General Colin Powell
            HRH  Prince  Philip  played  a  crucial  role  in  the  General  Colin  Powell  strongly  supported  the  APEC
            formative years of the NYAA. NYAA is indebted to him  Voices of the Future during his term as U.S. Secretary
            for allowing the NYAA to adopt the concept of the  of State (2001- 2004).
            Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in 1991.

                          Mr Lee Chiong Giam                               Mr Boon Yoon Chiang
            Mr Lee Chiong Giam, former Chief Executive Director,  Mr Boon Yoon Chiang, Former Country Chairman of
            People’s  Association,  was  instrumental  in  setting  Jardine Matheson Group, served as a member of the
            up  the  NYAA  in  1992.  Mr  Lee  served  on  the  NYAA  NYAA Advisory Board from 1999 to 2021.
            Advisory Board from 1994 to 1999.

                                                                       Mr Wong Yew Kwan
                                                          Mr Wong Yew Kwan, Singapore’s first Commissioner
                                                          of  Parks  and  Recreation,  strongly  supported  the
                                                          NYAA’s youth environmental programme.

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