Page 57 - NYAA Annual Report 2021
P. 57

Mr Mohd Abbas
            Mr  Mohamed  Abbas,  Co-Founder  of  Rely  and  an
            NYAA Gold Award holder (2015 cohort), came from
            a  humble  background.  Both  Abbas’s  parents  are
            hawkers, and having grown up in a low-income family,
            he is constantly worried about his future. Mr Abbas is
            always grateful to the NYAA, as we have encouraged
            him to study hard and have a positive attitude. He did
            well and received a scholarship to study Banking and
            Finance at NTU. However, Abbas realised that many
            less well-off but honest people who need a small loan
            to help start a business have no chance of getting a
            loan from the banks as they do not have collateral.

            Abbas came up with an idea to develop software to   Mr  Mohamed  Abbas  s/o  Sheyed  Ebramsa,  NYAA  Gold
            help  a  vulnerable  group  of  people.  He  created  the   Award holder (2015 Cohort).
            software  Onelyst  and  made  history  in  Singapore
            when he crossed the $100 million mark in the first
            year  of  operation  with  the  support  of  OCBC  Bank,
            which helped small businesses.

            Subsequently, he co-founded Rely; a fintech startup
            offering  Buy  Now  Pay  Later  (BNPL)  services  in
            Singapore.  Forbes  Magazine  named  Mohamed
            Abbas one of the top 40 under 40, and received many
            awards for his achievements.

            Channel  News  Asia  featured  Mr  Abbas  on  Chinese
            primetime  news  on  22  September  2022  for  his
            contributions to helping the less well-off community
            through  his  created  apps.  Many  small  businesses
            could take off with the support of Onelyst and Rely’s

            Ms Lim En
            Major  Lim  En,  Commandant  of  the  24th  Battalion
            Singapore Artillery and an NYAA Gold Award holder
            (2007 Cohort), was awarded The Best Artillery Unit of
            the Singapore Armed Forces. Major Lim En received
            the Award from Major-General Goh Si Hou, Chief of   LTC Lim En, NYAA Gold Award holder (2004 Cohort).
            Army at SAFTI Military Institute, on SAF Day on 1 July

            Major Lim En was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel on
            1 July 2021, SAF Day.

            Mr Sam Tan
            Major  Sam  Tan,  a  Naval  Officer  of  the  Republic  of
            Singapore Navy with the Joint Operations Department,
            Ministry of Defence and an NYAA Gold Award holder
            (2018 cohort), was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel
            on 1 July 2021, SAF Day.                          LTC  Sam  Tan  Wei  Shen,  NYAA  Gold  Award  holder  (2018

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