Page 53 - NYAA Annual Report 2021
P. 53

APEC Voices of the Future Youth Summit 2021,
            New Zealand
            The NYAA has played a crucial role in the APEC Voices
            programme for more than ten years. NYAA Executive
            Director  chairs  the  APEC  Voices  Leadership  Council
            with the United States of America. Since 2007, the
            NYAA Executive Director has played a significant role
            in working with the APEC Secretariat to make APEC
            Voices the Official Youth Program of the annual APEC
            Leaders’ Week attended by the Heads of Government
            of the 21 APEC Member Economies. After the very   New  Zealand  APEC  Voices  youth  leaders  are  presenting
                                                              the APEC Voices Youth Declaration to h.E. Jacinda Arden,
            successful  virtual  APEC  Voices  program  hosted  by  Prime Minister of New Zealand, at the closing ceremony in
            Malaysia  in  2020,  NYAA  has  successfully  worked   Auckland, New Zealand.
            closely  with  the  Ministry  of  Foreign  Affairs  of  New
            Zealand to host the APEC Voices 2021 in Auckland,
            New Zealand.

            The APEC Voices 2021 in New Zealand was a huge
            success, with more than 200 delegates attending the
            event online. H.E. Jacinda Arden, Prime Minister of
            New  Zealand,  officiated  the  Closing  Ceremony  and
            received  the  APEC  Voices  2021  Youth  Declaration
            from the New Zealand youth representative in person
            in Auckland, New Zealand.

                                                              Singapore’s  APEC  Voices  delegates  with  H.E.  Jo  Tyndall,
                                                              New Zealand High Commissioner in Singapore.

                  The virtual APEC Voices Youth Summit 2021.

            THINC Fellowship
            THINC is a 12-month fellowship programme powered
            by  Tencent,  the  largest  tech  company  in  China.
            It  invited  50  selected  outstanding  young  talents
            worldwide  to  start  conversations  about  technology
            and humanity through virtual meetings and creative
            projects.  At the end  of  the programme, the THINC
            fellows  will  be  invited  to  Tencent  Headquarters  in
            Shenzhen for a presentation.

            Singapore’s THINC Fellow is represented by Ms Lim
            En, a Lieutenant Colonel with the Singapore Armed
            Forces and an NYAA Gold Award holder.

                                                                     THINC Fellowship Global Leaders, 2021.

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