Page 52 - NYAA Annual Report 2021
P. 52

Seminar on “Why Iran-Southeast Asia Relations
            Matter in the Indo-Pacific
            Dr  Mustafa  Izzuddin,  a  Visiting  Professor  with  the
            Islamic  University  of  Indonesia  and  an  NYAA  Gold
            Award  holder,  is  a  much  sought-after  speaker  on
            regional and international politics.

            In February 2021, the Islamic University of Indonesia
            Invited Dr Mustafa to speak on “Why Iran – Southeast   Seminar on “Why Iran-Southeast Asia Relations Matter” in
            Asia  Relations  Matter  in  the  Indo-Pacific?”  Dr   the Indo-Pacific by Dr Mustafa Izzuddin.
            Mustafa’s analytical expertise on the subject was well

            The Royal Commonwealth Society of Malaysia
            “Women Can Too”
            The Royal Commonwealth Society of Malaysia invited
            the NYAA to nominate an outstanding female leader
            as Guest Speaker in March 2021 at the International
            Forum  organised  to  commemorate  International
            Women’s Day.

            Ms  Cassandra  Yip,  NYAA  Gold  Award  holder,
            represented  the  NYAA  at  the  international  forum
            on  the  theme:  “Women  Can  Too”.  Cassandra’s
            presentation  at  the  virtual  conference  on  7  March  The  Royal  Commonwealth  Society  of  Malaysia  “Women
            2021 was well received.                           Can Too” 2021 virtual forum.

            APEC Voices of the Future Youth Leaders’
            Forum 2021, Chinese Taipei
            The APEC Voices of the Future Youth Leaders’ Forum
            2021 was held in Taipei, Chinese Taipei, organised by
            the APEC Centre, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chinese

            Mr  James  Soh,  NYAA  Executive  Director  and  Co-
            Chair,  APEC  Voices  Leadership  Council,  delivered
            the  keynote  address  online  on  the  theme:  “Youth
            Leadership in International Affairs”. More than 300   APEC  Voices  of  the  Future  Youth  Leaders’  Forum  2021,
            delegates and senior officials attended the event in   Chinese Taipei.
            Taipei, while Mr James Soh engaged them online.

            Asia and the Pacific Youth Symposium
            The  Asian  Development  Bank  (ADB)  is  a  strategic
            partner  of  NYAA.  The  Asia  and  the  Pacific  Youth
            Symposium  was  held  from  12  to  27  August  2021
            under  different  trades.  NYAA  Gold  Award  holders
            are  well  sought  after  as  speakers.  For  example,  Dr
            Mustafa  Izzuddin,  Senior  Social  and  International
            Affairs Analyst and Adjunct Lecturer with the National
            University  of  Singapore  and  an  NYAA  Gold  Award
            holder, was a speaker at the Opening Ceremony on
            12 August 2021. He spoke on the region’s state and
            the intergenerational dialogues on Meaningful Youth
            Engagement. The symposium was very successful in
            the Philippines and attracted more than 600 youth
            leaders.                                                Asia and the Pacific Youth Symposium 2021.

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