Page 47 - NYAA Annual Report 2021
P. 47
Survey on Impact of COVID-19 on the Social Sector
Through 2021, NYAA ED accepted the invitation to join the study on non-profit organisations jointly hosted
by INSEAD and Stanford University. The findings and observations are as follows: COVID-19 has impacted
the workplace, including The INSEAD-CLC Team in Singapore. The study has garnered over 50 NGOs globally
since 2020, and the plan is to stop anytime soon. It was found that a strong combination of government
support and push for digitalisation has allowed most non-profit organisations to brave the storm. Cross-sector
collaboration and lateral partnership have played an essential role in creating barriers to the pandemic crisis
due to knowledge exchange and event partnership. This also means that constant changes in government
regulations regarding COVID-19 did not affect day-to-day operations, and NGOs remain adaptable, resilient
and forward-looking. While it is good news for the sector, some have chosen to close down permanently or
abandon the charity status altogether.
INSEAD and Stanford University are currently putting together a preliminary paper publication with a journal
called Global Perspective. INSEAD-CLC team thank NYAA ED for the inputs and contributions to this Global
MacPherson SMC Housing Estate
Mr Darren Soh, an architectural and landscape
photographer and a Founding Member of the NYAA
Young Photographers’ Network (YPN), captured
some images of MacPherson housing estate’s public
housing. The images caught the eyes of Ms Tin Pei
Ling, Member of Parliament for MacPherson SMC. In
January 2021, Ms Tin met Mr Soh. She invited him to
embark on a photography project for residents who
can capture the everyday life of residents and places
at MacPerhson estate through their lens when the
COVID-19 situation improved.
Housing Estate at MacPherson SMC.
NYAA-URA Education & Outreach Project
As part of the URA’s Education and Outreach efforts,
URA, with the support of the Jalan Besar Town
Council, hosted the NYAA-URA Documentary Kg
Glam exhibition, which was last shown at the Malay
Heritage Centre.
In 2021 the URA-NYAA Photo Exhibition was held
at Blk 465A Crawford Estate, opposite the ICA.
URA thought the location would resonate with the
residents living in that area. The URA-NYAA Photo
Exhibition was well received by the people visiting
the site. The exhibition will be held till the end of
December 2021. URA-NYAA Education and Outreach efforts on Kg Glam
exhibition at Crawford Estate.