Page 45 - NYAA Annual Report 2021
P. 45

ITE-Surbana Jurong Partnership and
            NYAA played a crucial role in connecting institutions
            keen to enhance students’ development. Mr Eugene
            Seah, Managing Director, Surbana Technologies, and
            Managing  Director,  Smart  City  Solutions,  Surbana
            Jurong Group, has worked closely with ITE Colleges
            on its Smart Nation project. He helped identify the
            needs and prepare ITE students for a career in the
            built management sector, leading to a Memorandum
            of  Understanding  on  10  May  2012  between  the
            Institute of Technical Education and Surbana Jurong.
            A  vital  component  of  the  partnership  focuses
            on  training  ITE  students  in  Engineering  and  Info-  Partnership  and  collaborations  between  Surbana  Jurong
            communications,  Technology  including  Artificial   and ITE.
            Intelligence  (AI),  Building    Information  Modelling
            (BIM), Data Engineering, Digitalisation, Digital Facility
            Management and Mixed and Virtual Reality (MR/VR).
            In addition, NYAA is delighted to provide ITE students
            with the opportunity to join Singapore’s Smart Cities

            St. Gallen Symposium Singapore Chapter
            Mr Tommy Koh Kit Shaun, Assistant Director (ASEAN
            Division), Ministry of Trade and Industry and an NYAA
            Gold  Awardee,  was  elected  as  Chairman  of  the  St.
            Gallen  Symposium  Singapore  Chapter  at  the  50th
            St. Gallen Symposium Singapore Hub in May 2021 in
            Singapore. Mr Koh is also a Leader of Tomorrow with
            the St. Gallen Foundation in Switzerland.

            Review of Current Support Provided for
            Institutes of Higher Education
            NYAA Executive Director, Mr James Soh, participated
            in  a  closed-door  meeting  with  Dr  Mailki  Osman,   St.  Gallen  Symposium’s  Leadership  of  Tomorrow’s
            Second  Minister  for  Education,  in  March  2021.  Singapore Chapter.
            Minister  Maliki  was  tasked  to  review  the  current
            system of support for students studying at ITEs and
            polytechnics  and  make  an  effort  to  streamline  and
            simplify  application  processes.  He  also  examined
            ways  to  encourage  students’  interest,  improve
            motivation,  and  provide  for  their  social-emotional
            and special needs.

            One  of  the  suggestions  suggested  by  NYAA  was
            to  provide  mentorship  to  students  who  are  not
            motivated, to support them so that they are not alone
            and left out. Many other good ideas and suggestions
            provided  by  social  and  cultural  agencies  were  also
            shared at the meeting.                            Review  dialogue  on  Institutes  of  Higher  Education  with
                                                              Second Minister for Education, Dr Maliki Osman.

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