Page 179 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 179
SPEQS Manufacturing Pte Ltd
Singapore Precision Engineering Quality Service (SPEQS) specialises in delivering top-tier engineering solutions across
various industries, including Aerospace, Oil and Gas, Healthcare, Security, and Electro-mechanical sectors. Its services
encompass computer numerical control (CNC) machining, customised product design and development, prototyping, and
assembly work, as well as supplementary services such as heat treatment chemical/surface finishing. With a primary focus on
CNC machining of bespoke products crafted from steel, iron, aluminium, and plastic, SPEQS has a diverse array of machinery .
Environmental Review
During the environmental review of SPEQS, the ESI team noted the substantial usage of water and coolant within SPEQS'
operations, primarily used to cool down metals during CNC processing. This serves the dual purpose of preserving the lifespan
of cutting tools by averting overheating, while safeguarding the integrity of the processed products. The drills utilised in the
CNC process are equipped with motors, necessitating oil lubrication. Unfortunately, this oil inadvertently seeps into the
coolant, increasing viscosity and rendering it less effective for its intended purpose.
The ESI team compiled information and data on the inputs, processes and outputs of the business operation of SPEQS, which
is summarised in Table 1.
Table 1: Inputs, Processes and outputs of SPEQS business operation
Inputs Process Outputs & Outcome
Raw materials such as Utilised to manufacture Output: Waste materials such as metal chips or plastic
metals and plastics components based on customer waste are produced by CNC processing to create
designs, which undergo CNC specific designs.
Outcome : Metal chips are sent for recycling by
smelting to reuse them, producing carbon dioxide and
carbon monoxide gases released into the environment.
Plastic wastes are disposed of through mostly landfills
but are first incinerated before filling in the ashes of the
remains. This produces many toxic greenhouse gases
such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen, sulphur
oxides and hydrogen fluoride.