Page 180 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 180

Inputs             Process                         Output & Outcome

                    Cutting Fluids +   It is used to cool down the  Output: Cutting fluids can be only used for a certain period before
                    Water           components and act as a   they become unusable due to the leakage of the lubricating oil used
                                    lubricant for the cutting   for the motors.
                                    tools for the blade.
                                                          Outcome: The cutting fluids are transported for disposal via
                                    The cutting fluids were   incineration, which can produce water waste, carbon dioxide and
                                    mixed with water to dilute  other toxic greenhouse gasses depending on what was inside the
                                    the solutions.        cutting fluids.

                    Lubricating Oil  Used for the motors of   Output: The oil can be used for up to a few years but becomes less
                                    the cutting tools for its   due to the leakage and must be brought and deposed.
                                                          Outcome: The oil is refined to be reused, but it would require a lot of
                                                          energy to be refined.

                    Transportation  The transportation of the   Output and Outcome: Carbon dioxide emissions will be produced
                                    products and waste    due to the transportation of waste products.

                    Electricity     The electricity used   Output and Outcome: Carbon dioxide emissions will be generated
                                    from the lights to air   due to using electricity in the facility.
                                    conditioners to machines
                                    manufacturing the

            Good Environmental Practices                        resource consumption. For instance, it is experimenting
                                                                with using an oil skimmer to extend the shelf life of cutting
            During  the  environmental  review,  the  team  noted  several  fluids. This initiative aims to address the issue of lubricating
            commendable environmental practices being implemented.  oil leakage, thereby reducing waste and promoting
            These include:                                      sustainability in operations.

            1.  Temperature Management:                         3.  Waste Recycling:
            The company maintains air-conditioned rooms at a moderate  The company is committed to  waste management by
            temperature  of 25  ⁰C to minimise  power  consumption  recycling metal chips. These chips are sorted into separate
            associated with excessive cooling.                  waste bins based on their materials and stored for recycling.
                                                                This practice contributes to the conservation of resources
            2.  Resource Consumption Reduction:                 and minimises environmental impact.
            The company is actively exploring methods to reduce

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