Page 219 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 219

V-plus Agritech Pte Ltd


            Our sustainability project centred on diminishing the carbon
            footprint of an aquaponics farm situated at Neo Tiew Road,
            Singapore,  currently  managed  V-plus  Agritech  Pte  Ltd
            (V-plus  Agritech). The  farm  is  designed  primarily  to  utilise
            sunlight, nutrients, and circulating water to cultivate fresh
            vegetables and fish. Spanning approximately 1,000 sq ft of
            land, the farm, erected in 2021, comprises 16 aisles of vertical
            planting towers positioned atop enclosed aquaculture
            systems (Figure 1).

            The farm converts fish waste into an organic plant nutrient
            source using nitrifying bacteria. Subsequently, these
            nutrients are conveyed by circulating water, that traverses
            through vertical planting towers, via a filtration pump   Figure 1: The integrated aquaponics farm engaged
            system. Operating within a closed-loop water system,    in this sustainability project.
            all water is cycled back into the enclosed tank for reuse,
            enabling the farm to operate with a 90% reduction in water   Environmental Review
            usage compared to traditional farming methods.
                                                                 During  the environmental review,  the ESI team  evaluated
            With the assistance of farmers Mr Nelson and Mr William, the   the company’s aquaponics system.  The facility operates
            ESI team gained insight into the operation of the aquaponics   with low maintenance requirements, abstaining from using
            farm. The company provided monthly utility consumption   pesticides, fertilisers, or herbicides. All water used in the farm
            data,  enabling  the  team  to  compile  an  overview  of  utility   circulates within a closed-loop system, facilitated by two
            consumption and associated carbon emissions. Analysing   single-phase pumps operating to ensure  sufficient dissolved
            the data, the team identified climate-related aspects   oxygen levels for the fish, and a continuous nutrient supply
            impacting and devised eco-solutions to mitigate these   for the vegetables.
            issues, with input from Prof Jeff Obbard from NYAA.
                                                                 The continuous operation of the water pumps results in
            The primary objective of the environmental review was to   relatively high electricity consumption. However, during
            review the environmental aspects of the aquaponics farm’s   the initial design phase, the company meticulously selected
            operations  and then  implement  eco-solutions  to  mitigate   high-efficiency equipment to optimise overall performance.
            its environmental and carbon footprint while ensuring   Consequently, the farm boasts a commendable yield-to-
            minimum disruption to existing operations.           input (Y/I) ratio of approximately 0.81, consuming an average
                                                                 of only 86m3 of water per month.

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