Page 224 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 224

Student’s Reflection

                             Nur Syadan                   Tri Shafiqah        Shanna Chia                 Nur Aiman

            As a cohesive ESI team dedicated to this project, we extend  Lastly, the unpredictable weather proved to be another
            our heartfelt gratitude to our course advisor, Mr Kelvin Hoh,  hurdle. Some days, we worked under the scorching sun; on
            and our course section head, Mr Zulkifli, for their belief in  others, we had to contend with pouring rain.
            us and their steadfast technical (as well as moral) support
            throughout the project. Without their guidance, this project  Despite these challenges, the overall experience was
            would not have reached successful completion, particularly  enriching. Working on an actual project outside of the school
            given the obstacles encountered along the journey.   environment provided invaluable learning opportunities. We
                                                                 thank NYAA and ITE for empowering us to collaborate with
            Our first major challenge involved coordinating our work  V-plus Agritech on such a meaningful project. Through this
            effectively. We had to learn to communicate actively with  experience,  we  have  gained  invaluable  insights  to  benefit
            stakeholders to determine the optimal timing for project  our future endeavours.
            installation, ensuring minimal disruption to the farm’s daily

            Secondly, the farm’s distance from ITE posed a significant
            logistical challenge.  The lengthy commute, taking almost
            three hours  round trip via  public transport, necessitated
            careful time management to balance our project
            commitments with our studies.

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