Page 231 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 231

The offcut meats are carefully stored in the freezer to prevent contamination, then cut into smaller pieces for easy storage
            and transport to Helping Hand for reuse (see Figures 3, 4 and 5).

                     Figure 3: A whole piece of   Figure 4:  Region showing the   Figure 5: Off-cuts cut into
                     uncut salmon.                thrown-away meat off-cuts.    smaller pieces for easy

            Based on the data in Table, the annual carbon emission
            from the utility and resource consumption at the cafe’s  is   After implementing the eco-solutions at the café we
            19,623 kg CO2.  The breakdown is as follows:         examined the data to estimate their impact on reducing
                                                                 carbon emissions. The annual carbon emission associated
            •   Water: 1582 m3 x 1.43 kg CO2/m3 = 2,262 kg CO2   with the resource consumption at the café is estimated at
            •  Fuel Diesel: NA (not available)                   19,623 kg CO2, with electricity and water consumption
            •  Electricity: 38,590.61 kWh x 0.41 kg CO2/kWh = 16,161   accounting for approximately 90% of the total emissions.
                kg CO2
            •   Plastic: NA (not available)
            •   Wood: NA (not available)
            •   Food: 240 kg x 5 kg CO2/kg = 1200 kg CO2

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