Page 24 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 24
30 by 30 Initiative The primary use of electricity at the farm is to power the
lights for the fishpond. These lights are turned on from 0:700
The “30 by 30” initiative is a government-led sustainability hrs to 19:00 hrs daily to simulate sunlight: essential for the
goal to secure the nation’s food supply. By 2030, the objective fish to thrive and develop. Simulating sunlight helps create
is to produce 30% of Singapore’s nutritional needs locally. a natural environment for the fish, allowing them to follow a
This initiative is crucial for strengthening the country’s typical day-night cycle similar to the wild. This natural pattern
resilience, particularly given its limited land resources and influences their eating and sleeping habits, contributing
reliance on food imports. It promotes adopting sustainable to the production of healthier and more organic products.
practices, diversification of food sources, and collaboration However, BOAT has expressed concerns about the high cost
among stakeholders in the food production industry. By of electricity. These concerns prompted the ESI team to
achieving the “30 by 30” goal, Singapore aims to bolster its explore eco-solutions to optimise energy usage and reduce
food security, decrease dependence on imports, and ensure electricity costs at the aquaculture farm.
a sustainable and reliable food supply for its people.
What does BOAT have to do with the 30 by 30 Environmental Aspects
BOAT is concerned about the increasing price of electricity,
(BOAT), plays a significant role in the “30 by 30” initiative where reducing electricity consumption would improve cost
in Singapore by actively contributing to the stability of efficiency, especially considering the need to continuously
the nation’s food supply. BOAT is committed to local food run equipment such as water pumps, UV lights, and drum
production through its land-based facility and employs filters to maintain a healthy and sustainable fish farm.
sustainable aquaculture practices, such as a recirculating
aquaculture system. By cultivating various species and using
advanced technologies, BOAT enhances the stability and Environmental Best Practices
resilience of the food supply chain. Additionally, collaboration
with stakeholders further strengthens it’s contributions to BOAT has already replaced all standard fluorescent light
the long-term stability and sustainability of Singapore’s food bulbs with LED lights to mitigate the high electrical costs.
production system, aligning with the objectives of the “30 by Additionally, to automate the lighting schedule and simulate
30” initiative. day and night cycles for the fish, BOAT has implemented an
automated lighting system that switches on 0:700 hrs to
Environmental Review 19:00 hrs without manual intervention.
In the environmental review of BOAT’s business operation, Eco-Solutions
the ESI team investigated energy usage. While BOAT
employs nanobubble technology (Nano-oxygen) to create
an optimal environment for fish growth, the team focused Despite BOAT’s changes, there was room for improvement
on understanding how lighting affects the farm’s efficiency in reducing electricity bills and minimising light shock to the
and how electricity costs can be reduced. fish. After discussion with the BOAT management team, the
ESI team decided on two eco-solutions.