Page 27 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 27

Figure 5 - Complete set-up of the sunlight simulation (Fingerbot).

            To facilitate a comparison, we established both a control and  Figure 7. This simulated schedule aims to replicate natural
            prototype set-up. For the control set-up, depicted in Figure  daylight conditions while optimising energy usage and
            5, the lights were programmed to illuminate continuously  minimising stress on the fish.
            from 0:700hrs to 19:00 hrs, mimicking the lighting schedule
            of the fish farm.                                    The experimental set-up of prototype 1 is shown in Figure 8.

            Meanwhile, the team gradually adjusted the light intensity
            for the prototype set-up, starting at 0:700 hrs. As illustrated
            in Figure 6, the lights were set to switch on dimly at 0:700
            hrs and gradually increase in intensity every 30 minutes until
            reaching maximum brightness at 11:00 hrs.  This interval
            was chosen to replicate the natural progression of sunlight.
            Subsequently, the lights remained at maximum intensity for
            1 hour and 30 minutes to simulate the afternoon sun.

            Following this period, the light intensity gradually decreased
            from 12:30hrs to 18:00hrs at 30-minute intervals, imitating
            the gradual transition towards evening. Finally, the lights
            were programmed to switch off at 19:00 hrs, as shown in

                                                                               Figure 6      Figure 7

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