Page 31 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 31

For instance, if a fish farm company consumes 2000 kW  Considering the 40% saving observed during the week of
            for lighting, the energy utility bill would be approximately  testing, the proposed set-up can be effectively promoted
            S$6,700  annually.  With  a  40%  saving  achieved  through  to other aquaculture fish farms in Singapore. If BOAT
            the proposed Wi-Fi downlight solution, this cost would be  implements the prototype set-up, assuming the company
            reduced to about S$4,000, resulting in significant savings  operates roughly 50 sets of 40-watt LED lights, it could save
            for the business. Additionally, this reduction in electricity  approximately $1064 annually.  Refer to  Tables 5 and below
            consumption  translates to a decrease  in carbon  dioxide  for the specific numbers.
            emissions of up to 1,458.2 kg per year.

                                                Table 5 - Estimated savings for the company

            For BOAT, the annual CO2 emissions would be significantly reduced from 3,622.09 kg to 2,163.77 kg by implementing the
            proposed Wi-Fi downlight solution. This represents a yearly saving of 1,458 kg, which is a reduction of up to 40.26% compared
            to the current emissions level. Refer to Table 6 for detailed calculations.

                                                    Table 6 - CO₂ emission saving estimates.

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