Page 29 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 29

2. Circadian rhythm regulation: These downlights can help  Results & Discussion
            regulate  the  fish’s  circadian  rhythm  by  simulating  sunrise
            and sunset, promoting a natural sleep-wake cycle. Gradually  Power usage for the controlled light system increased to
            increasing light intensity in the morning and decreasing it  4.33W at 0:700hrs when the light switched on, as depicted
            in the evening contributes to a more natural waking and  in Figure 10. Following the switch-off, there was a decrease
            resting experience.                                  in power consumption. Conversely, in the dimmable set-up,
                                                                 the light intensity gradually increased until noon, reaching a
            3.  Energy-efficient lighting: Wi-Fi downlights that simulate  peak of 4.43W around 12 noon, as illustrated by the gentle
            sunrise  and sunset typically  utilise  LED technology, which  slope upwards in Figure 11. Subsequently, the light intensity
            is known for its energy efficiency. LED bulbs consume less   gradually decreased until 19:00 hrs, creating a gentle slope
            electricity than traditional bulbs, saving energy and reducing   downwards.
            utility costs.

            4.  Personalised lighting experiences: With Wi-Fi
            connectivity, users can customise the settings of their sunrise
            and sunset simulation to match their preferences. They can
            adjust the light’s duration, intensity, and colour temperature
            to create the desired ambiance and mood throughout the

                                                                            Figure 11- graph of the prototype set-up

                       Figure 10- graph of the control set-up

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