Page 72 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 72

Figure 2: Conference Room Lights                       Figure 3: Air conditioning

            Water Consumption

            During  our  environmental  review,  we  observed  employee
            practices regarding water usage within Elitez’s facilities.
            Our investigation revealed a notable issue concerning high
            water consumption, mainly attributed to heavy water flow
            rates from the manual water taps in the washrooms on level
            3 of the office building (Figure 4).

            Environmental Aspects                                            Figure 4: Water Tap at Level 3

            Following the environmental review conducted at Elitez
            Pte Ltd, the ESI team has identified three critical ecological   Electrical power consumption
                                                                 A review of utility bills revealed that Elitez consumed a
            1.  Consumption of electricity (Energy usage)        substantial amount of energy. Instances such as leaving
            2.  Consumption of water (Water usage)               lights on in meeting rooms and washrooms after use and
            3.  Consumption of paper (Waste management)          frequently setting air conditioners to 18 degrees fahrenheit
                                                                 contributed to excess power consumption. Not only does this
            After analysing the data, the ESI team determined that these   increase Elitez’s business operating costs, but it also harms
            three environmental aspects could significantly impact the   the earth’s atmosphere through indirect CO2 emissions from
            environment.                                         power generation.

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