Page 75 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 75

Presentation of Data                                 4.  Transitioning to electronic business cards:
                                                                 Converting traditional paper business cards into Near-
            Table 1 shows annual electricity data collected from Elitez’s   Field Communication (NFC) business cards presents
            sustainability department based on their electricity usage at   an opportunity to save costs and reduce paper waste.
                                                                 This eco-friendly alternative eliminates the need for
            Level 3.
                                                                 continuous printing and disposal of paper cards, promoting
                     Table 1: Current Carbon Emission from       sustainability in business practices.
                        February 2022 to January 2023
                                                                 1.  Eco-solution 1: Implementation of Solar Panels
                                  Annual                         The first proposed eco-solution addresses the high
              Resource  Annual      CO2    Conversion   Cost ($)  electricity usage and costs identified in the environmental
                         Usage   Emissions   Factor              review by deploying 15 x solar panels (Figure 7 and 8).
                                                                 Specifically, solar panels will power Elitez’s aquaponics
                                                                 system, which relies heavily on office electricity to function
              Electricity  16,421.98   6,662.40   0.4057 kg   $4,429.82*  seamlessly. Peak power 400 W x 15 solar panels = 6000 W or
                          kWh      kgCO2   CO2/kWh               6 kW.

             *Based on utility bill from Feb 2022 to Jan 2023.


            The ESI team proposed several eco-solutions to integrate
            environmental best practices into Elitez’s business operations
            and enhance sustainability. These eco-solutions include:

            1. Correcting current business practices: Partnering
            with appropriate retailers would facilitate the reduction
            of Elitez’s carbon footprint. This initiative involves re-
            evaluating existing practices and sourcing products from       Figure 7 & 8: Solar Panels Installation.
            eco-friendly suppliers.

            2.  Installation of solar panels: Solar panels offer the
            dual benefit of reducing electricity consumption while
            harnessing renewable energy. This initiative saves costs and
            contributes to Elitez’s commitment to sustainable energy
            3.  Installing water flow restrictors: By installing water
            restrictors, Elitez can effectively reduce water consumption,
            lower water and wastewater treatment costs, and decrease
            the energy required for water treatment, pumping, and
            heating. This initiative aligns with water conservation efforts
            and promotes efficient resource utilisation.

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